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News from Warwick SU

Get involved: Two Highlights

Over the next few weeks you're going to be bombarded with booklets, leaflets and emails explaining all about the opportunities Warwick offers but we wanted to highlight two key ones for you now.


Congratulations on getting into Warwick! You're set for some of the best years of your life.

Over the next few weeks you’re going to be bombarded with booklets, leaflets and emails explaining all about the opportunities Warwick offers but we wanted to highlight two key ones for you now. Right from day one at University you need to be thinking about your employability and how you're going to make the most out of the next 3 years – and being a student representative is a great way of getting those transferable skills that will get you a great job post-graduation.

Become a Union Councillor…

Union Council is a bit like a student parliament – debating, amending and passing policy that affects your life as a student. Councillors are elected by year group at the beginning of the year in the Autumn Elections by other first year students based on their manifesto.

Is it a huge commitment?

Not at all. Council meets just 7 times across the entire year and rarely for longer than 2 hours!

What skills can I gain?

Your communication skills will improve hugely – with the ability to debate and speak in public. You’ll also get better at making your point and having your voice heard.

What have previous Councillors said?

"I thought Council was going to be really dull but found myself getting more and more into it. We had some tough decisions to make but I couldn't have got more out of it – friends, responsibility and new skills" – Charlotte Dunn

How to find out more?

Become a Course Rep…

SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees) are your opportunity to give feedback and propose changes to your academic studies. Each course elects Course Representatives at the beginning of the year – watch out for details in your first lectures.

Is it a huge commitment?

Nope! SSLCs meet on average twice a term and outside of meetings you just need to be a contact for your course mates to compile feedback.

What skills can I gain?

You'll get great leadership skills from representing your peers and will learn how to present and negotiate in a formal setting.

What have previous Course Reps said?

"I made a real difference and learnt so many skills – I would recommend getting involved in SSLCs to anyone!" – Sarah Jackson

How to find out more?


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