
News from Warwick SU

Postgraduate accommodation - application fee abolished

We are pleased to announce that, as a result of pressure from the SU, Warwick Accommodation will no longer be singling out postgraduates with housing application fees. Read on for more information!


Another great win for your Officer Team - we are pleased to announce that, as a result of pressure from the SU, Warwick Accommodation will no longer be singling out postgraduates with housing application fees. It has previously been the case that postgraduates applying for housing from Warwick Accommodation had to pay £250 upfront, whereas no fee has been required for undergraduates.

We have argued strongly that these application fees unfairly targets postgraduates and act as a barrier for those applying to postgraduate study who do not currently have funding. Furthermore, we have expressed serious concerns about the ability to of students to claim back these fees if they did not end up in Warwick Accommodation housing. We are pleased that the University has decided to treat all its students (and prospective students) equally in this regard, and hope that the scrapping of postgraduate housing fees is one action as part of a wider PG accommodation strategy that respects and meets postgraduate students’ needs.


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