We are EuroSoc - a society that celebrates all different cultures in Europe! We hold engaging academic talks with famous officials exploring current European affairs. We have hosted many prominent guests such as the Former EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos, the Chief UK political commentator of the Financial Times Robert Shrimsley, the Former High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security of Policy Catherine Ashton, as well as MPs, MEPs and various professors.
We also host many social events throughout the year, including barbecues, pre-drinks, house parties and events for exchange students. Our European Ball is an unforgettable experience! It gathers numerous societies from all over Europe and we have a great night together with good food and drinks. We also host one of the biggest society events - the annual Eurovision screening at the Piazza!
If you are European or just interested in European history, culture, and politics, then don't miss out on the fun and make sure to join our amazing community! Membership is completely FREE so make sure to sign up to keep up to date!
Executive Committee 2023/24
President: Elizabeth Vekri
Vice President: Alexandra Gordon
Secretary: Emily Devereux
Treasurer: Josephine Lenoir
Socials Team: Thalia Triantafyllou, Niki Beigi, Sidonie Guyot
Talks Team: Caroline Von Rakowski, Mikolaj Pawica, Stathis Poulantzas
External Relations Officers: Raphael Thurston, Sanjana Shah
Publicity Team: Daphne Hahn, Ilias Douiri
Ball Officers: Laura Brantmuller, Kata Kaman