Save BIG at Domino’s this January!


The SU and Warwick Sport are proud to be supporting Movember, to raise awareness of the physical and mental health challenges that men can face throughout their lives.
Throughout the month of November, we are encouraging our staff and students to be open and honest about these challenges, and make a collective effort to support one another. This includes a willingness to be vulnerable within challenging conversations, encouragement to access appropriate wellbeing services, and generosity to support the wonderful charities out there that are making a difference.


Get involved with our societies

Our societies are a great way to get involved with Movember and support men’s mental and physical health. Whether this is through a sports tournament, bake sale, charity circle and more, we have plenty of options!

Warwick Raising and Giving (RAG) are a great place to start, as they lead with Movember initiatives on campus. See their Instagram for details of all events they’re leading throughout the year, or to get in touch about an initiative you and your society are running.

Other society events:

Society Event Date Location
Northern Society Charity Quiz Friday 1st November, 6.30pm SO.11 £5 entry
Warwick Salsa Just Dance Sober Social Saturday 2nd November, 4-6pm OC1.07
Warwick Salsa x on-campus dance societies Collaborative Danceathon for CALM Date postponed - 24hr! 9am - 9am The Piazza
Northern Society x Irish Society 5-aside football - loser donates! Friday 8th November, time TBC The Piazza
BioSoc Charity Circle: Heroes vs Villains Friday 8th November, 7pm Kelsey's
MindAware Men's Mental Health Talk Wednesday 13th November, time TBC FAB 3.31
BioSoc Pub Quiz Thursday 14th November, 5-7pm IBRB
Calisthenics A muscle up challenge with around 500 muscle ups! Friday 15th November, starting 11am Claycroft Activity Zone
Northern x Irish Society Charity Board Games Night: A sober social with games and fundraising! Saturday 16th November, time TBC TBC
BioSoc Movember 5k: A 5K run through campus Wed 20th November, 2pm Starting point: Junction
GSD Society Charity Circle Wednesday 20th November, 7pm Kelsey's Leamington Spa
History Society Charity Circle Wednesday 20th November, 7pm Kelsey's Leamington Spa
K-Pop Society Buldak Challenge: A fundraising spicy noodle challenge with dishes ranging from mild to incredibly spicy. Thursday 21st November, time TBC The Oaks, Canley
Classics Society Campus to Castle sponsored walk Sunday 24th November, 10am Start location Warwick Arts Centre
Warwick Tap 'Bring a Boy/Friend' charity tap class Monday 25th November, 5-6pm Westwood Dance Studio
BioSoc Tote Bag Paint and Sip Thursday 28th November, 5-7pm GLT
BioSoc Pie the Exec! Friday 29th November, 12-1pm Gibbett Hill
RAG Inter-Society 5-A-Side Football Tournament Saturday 30th November, time TBC Sports Hub 5 Aside Pitches
The OddPod

The OddBalls Foundation is coming to the piazza and bringing their ‘Odd Pod’, raising awareness for testicular cancer. The OddPod trailer will provide a space for men to check their balls for any unusual signs, with users who donate to the charity receiving a free pair of Oddballs underwear as a thank-you!

  • Location: Main campus, piazza
  • Date: Tuesday 19 November (International Men’s Day)
  • Times – 9am - 4pm

Drop by and find out more

Warwick Sport

Team Warwick is all about supporting everyone to feel confident and empowered through staying active. Warwick Sport are supporting men to open up about their mental and physical health through a variety of events and information – please see below and visit their website to book!

  • £5 Gym Day Pass, available for 1 day on Tuesday 19 November and Monday 25 November only.
  • FREE health checks in collaboration with Warwick Medical School, starting on Thursday 31 Oct. Running every Thursday and Friday until Thursday 12 December (excluding Friday 15 November) from 9am – 3pm.
  • The Shed: It Takes Balls To Talk. Hosting a variety of talks by charity It Takes Balls to Talk, this Warwick Arts Centre creation aims to encourage safe discourse about mental health.
  • Movember 5k Wellbeing Run around campus, to raise awareness for Movember. At the end of this run, you will be invited to help paint The Shed being built in the Arts Centre.
  • Mental Health Awareness Talk from Dr Alex Cotton, founder of charity “It Takes Balls to Talk”. Warwick Arts Centre, Tuesday 26 November from 16:00 – 18:00.
Charities and Resources

The SU is proud to support some wonderful charities that encourage everyone to open up more about men’s mental and physical health. If you would like inspiration about charities to fundraise for, or would like help for yourself or a friend, please check out:

  • Movember – Movember is the leading charity raising awareness of men’s health. Working with global men’s health partners, the Movember foundation funds collaborative projects that address prostate cancer, testicular cancer, men’s mental health, and suicide prevention. Since 2003, their ‘Grow a Mo’ campaign has encouraged men to grow a moustache in the month of November, all to raise money for their cause.
  • The Oddballs Foundation – The Oddballs Foundation is a testicular cancer awareness charity that encourages those with testicles to check their balls regularly and to gather together as a community to raise awareness of men’s health, removing stigma through fundraising events and university outreach programs.
  • CALM – The Campaign Against Living Miserably is a suicide prevention charity, looking to support those that are struggling with suicidal thoughts to navigate the issues that are making them feel miserable. They provide tools and resources, and you can access their helpline from 5pm – midnight every day by calling 0800 58 58 58.
  • Men's Health Forum: This charity promotes the health and well-being of men and boys through research, advocacy, and public health campaigns.
  • Prostate Cancer UK: Focused on prostate cancer awareness, research, and support for those affected, this charity provides resources for patients and their families.
  • Testicular Cancer UK: Dedicated to raising awareness about testicular cancer, this charity provides information and support for those affected by the disease.