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Be a lifesaver

Discover simple ways to save a life...

Join the stem cell register

Warwick Marrow logo

People with leukaemia and other blood cancers often need a bone marrow transplant to save their life. Whilst some people find a match within their genetic relatives 70% of people need an unrelated donor, and as bone marrow is very specific it can be very difficult to find a match. One person may only have one match in the whole world!

To increase chances of finding a match, we need more people to join the stem cell register! Warwick Marrow are a student run branch of Anthony Nolan, working to sign people up to the stem cell register via saliva sample (as well as fundraising). Find out when their next sign-up opportunities are here!

Learn CPR to restart a heart

CPR symbol

Without CPR the chances of surviving cardiac arrest are zero. Across the UK, there are over 30,000 cardiac arrests outside of hospital every year, but the survival rate is less than 1 in 10.

You can learn CPR by attending a CPR training session with the below organisations:

Become a blood donor

Blood donation graphic

Blood or blood components are used to treat patients with medical conditions such as anaemia, cancer blood disorders, and those having surgery. Nearly 400 new blood donors a day are needed to meet demand in the UK - 135,000 new donors a year to replace those who can no longer donate.

You can find out more about the blood donation process, how to register, and where you can donate on the NHS Blood & Transplant service's website.

Register as an organ donor

Organ donation logo

Blood or blood components are used to treat patients with medical conditions such as anaemia, cancer blood disorders, and those having surgery. Nearly 400 new blood donors a day are needed to meet demand in the UK - 135,000 new donors a year to replace those who can no longer donate.

You can find out more about the blood donation process, how to register, and where you can donate on the NHS Blood & Transplant service's website.

Learn first aid

First aid symbol

Many first aid skills are simple to learn, but can have an incredible impact. First aid skills can save the life of someone who is bleeding or choking, or experiencing a cardiac arrest, stroke, or diabetic emergency.

Warwick First Aid Society offer free first aid awareness sessions every week during term time. As well as gaining the skills necessary to administer first aid in your day-to-day life, there's also the option to join their team of volunteers who provide first aid cover at events.

Become suicide-aware


Stigma surrounding suicide creates silence, and that silence kills. No one should have to struggle alone with suicidal thoughts, and being aware of how to discuss suicide with someone we're concerned about can help save a life.

PAPYRUS offer information on how to #SpotTheSigns that someone is thinking about suicide, as well as a range of training courses to better understand how we can all contribute to a suicide safer community.

Train as an active bystander

Active Bystander Intervention logo

Being an Active Bystander sends a powerful signal that problematic behaviour is unacceptable, enabling us to build the kind of respectful, safe and inclusive community we want to live, work and study in. 

The Active Bystander Intervention course at Warwick provides participants with the knowledge, skills and confidence to intervene in situations where someone is exhibiting problematic behaviour - including those where someone's life may be in danger.

Share your ideas about how to save a life by emailing suggestions to for inclusion on this page.