Academic Representation

Your Faculty Reps

Arts Faculty

Arts Faculty Rep (Open)

Arts Faculty Rep (PGT)

Science, Engineering and Medicine Faculty

Science, Engineer and Medicine Faculty Rep (Open)

Social Science Faculty

Social Sciences Faculty Rep (Open)

Academic Representation 

Hello and welcome to the Academic Representation Page. The SU's Student Voice system works in partnership with the University to ensure that students have a say on their educational experience here at Warwick.  The Students’ Union supports student reps and University staff in order to establish an effective partnership with the power to make change. Our aim is to ensure that the student voice is heard, discussed and acted upon.If you have any feedback for your course, please email your department to find out who your course reps are! 

Are you a member of staff? Find out more information about resources for staff by clicking the 'Academic Convenors' image below!

Rep Information

SU Training - All Reps

Please click the following to start your training for all reps, chairs and faculty reps to complete.