Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
Save BIG at Domino’s this January!


WUCT Domestic Tour

Event from Cycling and Triathlon

Friday 21 February 2025, 3.00PM - Sunday 23 February 2025, 8.00PM


Hi Guys!

This tour is based on two factors. Firstly, watching the national track cycling championships which is an amazing spectacle seeing cyclists speeding round the tight bends of a veledrome. What's not to love about that? Secondly, we will be exploring Manchester's night life and having some drinks. I personally couldn't think of a better combination of cycling and drinking!

The hostel is the YHA youth hostel Manchester city centre. Tickets get you a bed in the hostel. The two ticket options are:

a). For people not taking part in Birmingham Aquathlon who will travel up on the Friday 21st late afternoon. After unpacking in the hostel we will go for food and then explore the nightlife in Manchester. On the Saturday we will further explore what Manchester has to offer and go and see some track cycling in the afternoon - details on how to get tickets for this will follow

b). For people taking part in Birmingham Aquathlon on the Saturday afternoon. These people will travel up after the aquathlon on late Saturday afternoon to join the group already in Manchester for a night out.

After a fun night out on Saturday we will head to spoons for a lovely fry up on Sunday and then head to watch the final track cycling session of the weekend before coming home Sunday afternoon.

Currently, the plan is for myself and Katie Mooney to drive people up to Manchester -  however if we get too many people that sign up we will get the train instead.

I hope to see as many of you there as possible!



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