Warwick Tabletop Games and Roleplaying runs… A Megagame

Fri 21 June 2019 09:00-17:00
21/06/2019, 09:00 - 21/06/2019, 17:00
Friday 21 June 2019,
- Friday 21 June 2019, 5.00PM
WT1.04, WT1.05 (Westwood Teaching Centre)
Megagames are like very large boardgames, with elements of role-playing games, LARP and wargames rolled in. They involve anything from 30 players to three or four hundred players. Watch the Skies (the game we are playing) has been played by groups, universities, and schools all over the UK as well as the USA, Sweden, Singapore, Canada, and Australia.
In Watch The Skies, players take on the roles of politicians, scientists, press and aliens on the world’s stage in 2025. This involves players dealing with world crises and trying to work out what the aliens are doing while trying to advance their own agendas. Do science, debate at the UN and keep your military online as you try to work with other countries to keep global panic at bay! If you want to learn more watch this fantastic video!
This version of the game will be running for maximum 40 players. Events like this are very rarely run (usually only about 10 each year in the UK) and are often booked out within minutes of ticket sales going live. As a result, the demand for this event is expected to be extremely high - and places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Whether you're into boardgames, roleplaying, wargames or even all three, you're sure to enjoy this unique day-long experience.
Unfortunately, we have to charge for tickets - this type of event takes immense effort and cost to get off the ground, however the price we are charging here is considerably less than the industry-standard £30. This price will include props, drinks, food and more besides - so rest assured you're getting your money's worth. Also, tickets cost £2 less for members - so if you aren't a member, joining may be worth your while.
A Discord server has been set up for communication between prospective players and distribution of necessary materials and announcements. If you've bought a ticket, or otherwise have any questions, join server SfUm9FT or simply get in touch with a member of the exec via Facebook or our website. Likewise if you are interested in helping to run the event (as one of what we call the "Control") please DO NOT BUY A TICKET (we aren't charging for control players) and get in touch with one of the exec through the discord server - consider your decision carefully though, once you become control there's no way back to being a regular player.
I look forward to seeing you all save/destroy the filthy humans/alien menace come Friday June 21st.
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