Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
The Students’ Union is the focal point of campus life here at Warwick, but what exactly is it that makes your Union so unique? Here are a few basic facts about who we are and what we do…

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#Urgent | Premium En-suite at Liberty Park available for immediate occupancy (5 minutes to city centre)

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#Urgent | Premium En-suite at Liberty Park available for immediate occupancy (5 minutes to city centre)
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#Urgent | Premium En-suite at Liberty Park available for immediate occupancy (5 minutes to city centre)

Hi, guys!

My newly furnished Premium En-suite at Liberty Park is available for immediate occupancy. 20 minutes journey to Warwick by 12X and 11/11U bus routes, 5 minutes walk to city centre/Coventry rail station. £140/week, all-inclusive. No hidden fees, no deposits and no registration fees. With friendly housemates (total 5 people in the flat, a spacious kitchen) and great support staff.

Contact: | 07751840024

More information can be found here -
