On-Campus Based Sexual & Domestic Violence Adviser



Have you, or has someone you know, been affected by sexual violence or abuse? If so, there is specialist support available here at Warwick.

 The University Sexual and Domestic Violence Adviser, Lisa Woodhouse, is a point of contact for anyone who has been affected by sexual and/or domestic violence. She can provide confidential emotional support and advice. It is important for anyone who has been affected by sexual violence to feel that they are heard, believed and supported, as well as being aware of all of their options with regards to reporting (or not). Lisa can provide you with a safe, inclusive and confidential space to discuss your reporting options, talk about the impact and how you are feeling, and to discuss ways of coping and managing these feelings. She can provide you with emotional support if you decide you wish to report your experience to the University, and she can make a referral for you to speak with an Independent Sexual Violence Adviser if you wish to access some support with reporting the crime to the police. She can also liaise, only with your consent, with other University teams to ensure you have your needs heard and that support is provided wherever possible.

You can contact Lisa at SDAA@warwick.ac.uk or you can contact Wellbeing Support Services who can refer you to Lisa, via 024 7657 5570.

If you wish to report the crime to the police and want support through the criminal justice system you can contact the independent charity Safeline on 01926 402 498 or RoSA via Helpline on 01788 551151.