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Housing Talks

Housing Talks

Housing Talks

Welcome to our Housing Talk page, here you'll find important resources that will help you nagivate your housing options for next year. 

The Advice Centre has created a video below that will guide you through your housing journey, offering important information at each stage of the process. Depending on which stage of the the housing journey you're on, the video will easily help you navigate; from househunting and choosing housemates, to contract checking, deposits and what to do before moving in. If after watching the video you still need help, contact us by heading to our contacts page

Enjoy watching and learning!

Warwick Accommodation

Find out more about what Warwick Accommodation have to offer by watching the video's below. You will learn about what your second year options are on campus and when to apply if you decide you want to stay on campus. You will also learn more about Warwick Studentpad, their online platform that will help you find suitable accommodation local to campus in the private sector.  

Thought about living on campus next year?

Eligible returning undergraduates will have the option to apply for campus accommodation next academic year. Join Warwick Accommodation at one of the upcoming housing information sessions to discover your options both on campus or in private accommodation. A member of the SU will be present to answer questions at the Virtual Information Session, which you can register for in advance.


There is also this useful tips, in the video by NUS about what you need to do to get ready to rent

If you have any specific questions about the above content and/or wish to share any comments then please complete our online enquiry form and give us your feedback. 

Helpful publications

Your Guide to Looking for Accommodation

Your guide to living

Warwick Studentpad FAQ

Archived Resources
Your Student Housing Journey - A guide to private housing
House hunting and choosing a landlord/agent (13/10/21)
Contracts, deposits and right to rent (27/10/21)
Moving in, problem solving, community (10/11/21)
Moving out (18/5/22)
Warwick Studentpad