Welcome to our Fourth LibCon!
Led by the Decolonise Collective, LibCon 2025 is a resurrection of previous LibCons, featuring a collaborative set of workshops, talks and discussions.
This years' programme
Monday 28th April | 10am -14:30pm | Research4Resistance Symposium Panel | Kevin Gately Room
We invite you to our Research Symposium which brings together academic researchers from the University of Warwick to discuss decolonisation and liberation in research practices.
Tuesday 29th April | 10am-12pm | Kevin Gately Room | De-mechanising our Bodies
A workshop exploring the role of games and movement in restorative justice. We will explore games from the theatre of the oppressed and how they can be applied to your organising spaces!
Tuesday 29th April | 10am-12pm | Kevin Gately Room | 4 Is of Oppression Workshop
In this interactive session we will discuss the four different dimensions of oppression: ideological, institutional, interpersonal and internalised. This framework allows us to understand the ways in which systemic and societal injustices are perpetuated. and how they continue to persist.
Tuesday 29th April | 1:30pm- 3:30pm | Kevin Gately Room | A Queer Beauty Workshop
Join our exciting mini make-up workshop where we will discuss the ways in which makeup has been a tool of resistance and liberation in queer communities. You'll also get to try out some make-up looks!
Wednesday 30th April | 10am -12pm | Meeting Room 2 | Resisting Urgency Workshop
This workshop explores connecting to our bodies more, you will learn more about plant medicine, decolonising health and indigenous healthcare. Afterwards, we will make our own teabags from various herbs.
Wednesday 30th April | 12-1pm | Warwick Action4Palestine Workshop
Our workshop in collaboration with Warwick Action4Palestine, join us for an informative presentation and discussion followed by an exciting activity!
Wednesday 30th April | 2:00-3:00pm | Meeting Room 2 | Re-imagining a Liberated Campus
Join us for a discussion and activity centred on re-imagining a more liberated Warwick campus, this is an opportunity to meet likeminded students and staff striving for an inclusive campus!
Wednesday 30th April | 4:30-5:30pm | Meeting Room 2 | Student Activism at Warwick
As we approach our 60th year as an institution, this final session will celebrate Warwick's activist history, our panel is made up of former sabbatical officers and exec members of our liberation society who have played a role in key campaigns on campus.