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Warwick SU Week 3 All Member Email
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Hi everyone,
Entering a new year of study presents its own unique set of challenges, so please don’t forget that our Advice Centre team is here to provide free, independent and confidential advice on any issues you may be having – whether that’s related to housing, academic study or personal wellbeing. If there’s anything that I or the other Student Officers can do to make your time at Warwick more enjoyable this year, feel free to get in touch! I look forward to seeing many of you out and about during Welcome Week.
Ben Newsham
Autumn Elections
Vote for the people who you want to represent you as Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps, SU Exec members and NUS Conference Delegates this year from 9am on 15th October.
Vote for the people who you want to represent you as Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps, SU Exec members and NUS Conference Delegates this year from 9am on 15th October.
Autumn Elections
Vote for the people who you want to represent you as Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps, SU Exec members and NUS Conference Delegates this year from 9am on 15th October.
Vote for the people who you want to represent you as Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps, SU Exec members and NUS Conference Delegates this year from 9am on 15th October.
Autumn Elections
Vote for the people who you want to represent you as Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps, SU Exec members and NUS Conference Delegates this year from 9am on 15th October.
Vote for the people who you want to represent you as Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps, SU Exec members and NUS Conference Delegates this year from 9am on 15th October.
Autumn Elections
Vote for the people who you want to represent you as Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps, SU Exec members and NUS Conference Delegates this year from 9am on 15th October.
Vote for the people who you want to represent you as Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps, SU Exec members and NUS Conference Delegates this year from 9am on 15th October.
Autumn Elections
Vote for the people who you want to represent you as Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps, SU Exec members and NUS Conference Delegates this year from 9am on 15th October.
Vote for the people who you want to represent you as Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps, SU Exec members and NUS Conference Delegates this year from 9am on 15th October.
Autumn Elections
Vote for the people who you want to represent you as Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps, SU Exec members and NUS Conference Delegates this year from 9am on 15th October.
Vote for the people who you want to represent you as Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps, SU Exec members and NUS Conference Delegates this year from 9am on 15th October.
Autumn Elections
Vote for the people who you want to represent you as Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps, SU Exec members and NUS Conference Delegates this year from 9am on 15th October.
Vote for the people who you want to represent you as Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps, SU Exec members and NUS Conference Delegates this year from 9am on 15th October.
Autumn Elections
Vote for the people who you want to represent you as Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps, SU Exec members and NUS Conference Delegates this year from 9am on 15th October.
Vote for the people who you want to represent you as Part-Time Officers, Faculty Reps, SU Exec members and NUS Conference Delegates this year from 9am on 15th October.
® © Warwick SU Gibbet Hill Road,
Coventry, CV4 7AL
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