Showing at Warwick Arts 11th Feb 2025
Showing at Warwick Arts 11th Feb 2025


News from Warwick SU

300 students to have free sport access

Warwick SU and Warwick Sport are proud to announce that next year students from the Warwick Scholars undergraduate programme will have access to a gym and swim membership at the Sports Hub and will not have to pay to join a student sports club.

Student in a grey hoodie running on a treadmill Free sport access

Warwick SU and Warwick Sport are very proud to announce that next year around 300 students will have free access to sport at Warwick!

Using data from the Cost of Living Survey led by our VP Welfare & Campaigns – Tomi, our SU President – Will was able to work collectively with the University to agree the introduction of this pilot scheme which will be made available to students on the Warwick Scholars undergraduate programme. These students will have access to a gym and swim membership at the Sports Hub and will not have to pay to join a student sports club. 
We are grateful for the work of the Widening Participation team and other University colleagues, in particular the Head of Sports Delivery – Iain McKinney, for their support in introducing this pilot next academic year; and we are keen to monitor its success and apply learning to benefit other students in the future.

The current VP Sports Bursary scheme, in partnership with Warwick Sport, will continue to accept applications from September 2023 for those students that this initiative does not cover. Our VP Sports – Emma and Widening Participation Officer – Kieran have worked tirelessly this year to ensure that the application process takes into account a variety of widening participation factors and to increase the cap on number of applications.

Emma will continue to challenge Warwick Sport on their prices and work with them to introduce a direct debit offer for their gym, swim, climbing & rackets memberships to better increase the access to sport at Warwick.

Kind regards,


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