
News from Warwick SU

Full-Time Officer Wins: October 2021

From launching the Black Brilliance campaign to the Rate Your Landlord scheme, read about your Full-Time Officer team's achievements during the month of October!

Image of the Full-time Officers FTO Wins: October 2021

Your Full-Time Officer team have delivered on numerous projects that impact the student body during October. From launching the Black Brilliance campaign to the Rate Your Landlord scheme, read about the team's achievements last month. 

Teaching and Learning

The Full-Time Officer team developed a teaching and learning survey around blended learning, which gained over 2,000 responses from Warwick students. The team then presented the results to the University's Education Executive, who have now agreed to an increase in face-to-face teaching in Terms 2 and 3, as well as no restrictions during face-to-face teaching. 

Black Brilliance Launch Event

On the 26th October 2021, Shingai Dzumbira held a Black History Month event to launch the Black Brilliance campaign. In attendance were 43 members of staff and students, as well as external guests and University staff panellists. The event was also recorded and will be uploaded onto the Black Brilliance website.

Students gave positive feedback on the event and asked to collaborate on various events in the future. We will now look to host more events under the Black Brilliance campaign banner, but also, other events targeting international students, BAME communities and the student body as a whole. This is having recognised the need for more events held by the SU. 

Warwick's Night In Campaign Support

Jacob Jefferson acted quickly to ensure the cancellation of POP! in Week 4, in light of the Warwick's Night In campaign. Jacob collaborated with the Communications and Marketing team to deliver communications to students around this, expressing our solidarity with the campaign and what we will do to address student concerns around club safety.

Good Night Out Campaign

Despite Innovation Grant funding being delayed, Will Brewer has had productive conversations with Warwick District Council, who have agreed to partially fund the Good Night Out project with £3,000 to cover 5-6 major venues in Leamington Spa. This is following the nationwide reports of rises in spiking incidents. 

Warwick District Council have agreed to work jointly with us on the communications for this project, and to allow Will to speak with those running the training, to ensure that there is a signposting element to university support and reporting structures. This will ensure that a better relationship with external venues is fostered. 

Rate Your Landlord

Charlton Sayer has successully launched the Rate Your Landlord scheme, which allows students to review past and current University landlords (including campus-based accommodation). Charlton held a full external stakeholders briefing, and currently has over 25 local landlords and letting agents signed up to promote the scheme and answer questions.

Charlton is now working with the Communications and Marketing team to encourage students to leave reviews, which includes competitions, a promotional video on the Big Screen in the Piazza, as well as newsletter and social media promotion. He is also working with Welfare Committee to organise in-person promotion to collect reviews over the coming months. 

Autumn Elections

Jacob Jefferson delivered the SU's Autumn Elections, reaching our target of a 1,000+ individual voting turnout. Almost all positions were filled, including Part-Time Officers, SU Committees, Associations and Course, Faculty and Department Reps.

Postgraduate Events

Nathan Parsons held the first Postgraduate Town Hall session to give updates to the Postgraduate community on what they are working on, and get feedback from these students. Nathan also ran the first PG Officer Hour session, giving Postgraduate students an easy opportunity to drop in and chat with them. 

'Adopt a Society' and Society Spaces

The Adopt a Society scheme has been set up by Chih-Hsiang Lo, and allows students to 'adopt' a society that has become dormant due to not having enough exec members. This has now been fully implemented and promoted on SU channels. 

Chih-Hsiang has also engaged with Warwick Arts Centre around the use of their spaces for societies. He has successfully approved a service-level agreement with the Arts Centre in relation to how societies can use/hire out spaces going forward. 


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