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News from Warwick SU

Full-time Officer Update

Your elected Student Officers have continued to work hard during recent months, delivering on their manifesto promises, and driving improvements at the SU and across the University.

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From better bus services and safer bars, to academic talks and governance regeneration, your elected Student Officers have continued to work hard during recent months, delivering on their manifesto promises, and driving improvements at the SU and across the University.

Here are just some of the things they have achieved to enhance your student experience:

Charlton Sayer – Welfare & Campaigns Officer

  • Rate Your Landlord
    • Successful launch and first awards event, with leader of Warwick District Council, various councillors, and over 60 local landlords in attendance.
    • Now at around 700 reviews, the site is available for students to read reviews and submit ratings.
  • Recruited an increased number of volunteers for the Copper Rooms welfare stand, meaning we have been able to be more active at club nights.
  • Society Connect is in the final stages of development. When complete this will provide a quick, easy way for students to reach out to multiple societies, with the intention of contributing to reduced loneliness on campus.
  • Oversaw production and promotion of a series of #WeGetConsent videos from student officers and volunteers.
  • Organised de-stress events in the Copper Rooms with Warwick Sport throughout May.
  • Organised another very popular ‘Pets as Therapy’ therapy dog visit at the beginning of May.


Chih-Hsiang Lo – Societies Officer

  • Supported interview panels for various positions at the SU, including new Student Trustees for 2022/23
  • Co-hosted live Academic Talks with the SU Advice Centre, answering students’ questions about Mitigating Circumstances and Academic Appeals.
  • Created an implementation timetable for 2022/23 Society Exec training, to ensure they all have the information required to manage their memberships, finances and events succesfully.
  • Created a draft motion for Student Council, proposing to remove inactive societies.
  • Worked with the University Estates team to source and fit out additional storage capacity for societies’ equipment.


Jacob Jefferson – Democracy & Development Officer

  • Implementation of the Governance Regeneration review - working with the SU's stakeholders including the University and student groups to draft policies for approval related to our external governance review.
  • Working with Commercial team on Bus Stop drinks, One Hell of a Juicy - following successful student motions on both of these issues, I worked closely with the Commercial team to find ways to fulfil them in a way that was financially sustainable for the Union.
  • Opposing changes to the RLT (Residential Life Team) - I’ve been the SU’s lead on opposing the reforms to the RLT system as mandated by Student Council. This has included extensive dialogue with senior University stakeholders and RLT representatives. Discussions still ongoing across many areas of the University, including the Advice Centre. I spoke at University Council to oppose these changes in mid-May.
  • Summer Term Committee elections - I initiated making the Summer Term a more significant time for SU elections, bringing Committee elections forward a term, and they were successfully held with all relevant roles being filled.


Will Brewer – Sports Officer

  • 3rd ‘Sexism in Sport Review’ meeting with male and female identifying club representatives, and Gemma Ansell from the Report & Support team. It was agreed that a survey would go to all club members to identify issues and drive change - so far there have been 266 responses.
  • Following a successful funding bid of £15k for a Maskulinities Project Manager, they have now been hired and inducted. He has excellent experience in research, as a club coach and ex-club exec member. Initial project workshops started in week 5.
  • A further two venues (Old Library and The Benjamin Satchwell Wetherspoons) have signed up to the Good Night Out training. This follows the training having begun for Neon, Smack, Moo and Neighbourhood. It is worth noting that both Assembly and Kasbah have been approached on multiple occasions, but are showing no signs of wanting to engage.
  • This year I made the decision that clubs would be required to have at least 4 exec members Active Bystander trained, with these including the President, Welfare Officer, Captains and Social Secretaries where possible. Sign-ups have been very impressive, and clubs are being chased where they have not met the requirements.
  • The Club Conference occurred on Tuesday 3rd May with 470 attendees in person (one of the largest ever). Here they all received 45 minutes’ worth of Report & Support training and were further trained on the SU Complaints & Disciplinary Processes, alongside receiving other standard information.
  • Additionally, a full training schedule for execs has been created, including funding being secured for two x 3.5 hour Papyrus Suicide Prevention workshops and 3 x Mental Health in Sport Workshops.
  • Following a successful sponsorship bid, I am pleased to announce that Aldi will be sponsoring the Men’s and Women’s Football clubs £2,500 each, with £700 coming to the SU for advertising - totalling £5,700 income for club sport.
  • Helped Warwick Sport shortlist their new performance sport rankings for 2022/23, with a strong emphasis on engaging more women in sport at higher levels. This has resulted in further conversations to have with female clubs in order for Warwick Sport to help encourage more women in sport.

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