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News from Warwick SU

Liberation Conference 2023

This is a week-long, primarily in-person, co-collaborative set of workshops, talks and discussions in week 7 of term 2, where students can come together to discuss and learn about a variety of political issues affecting marginalised people.

Lib Con 23 Lib Con 23

Led by Tomi Amole, your Vice President Welfare and Campaigns, and Hamza Rehman, your Vice President Postgraduate, Liberation conference 2023 aims to build on the successes of the online conference with the same name held two years ago. This is a week-long, primarily in-person, co-collaborative set of workshops, talks and discussions in week 7 of term 2, where students can come together to discuss and learn about a variety of political issues affecting marginalised people.

It aims to both provide students space for co-creation and learning, and provide access to expert thinkers and seasoned activists whom students may not be able to engage with over the course of their studies or traditional participation in societies, enhancing the student experience, particularly for BAME, LGBTQ, disabled and international students.  

Liberation Conference events are open to any University of Warwick student who may be interested in attending! Our workshops and lectures are aimed to create thought-provoking discussions, and offer a space to learn, talk, interact and discuss openly a range of different topics. We have 5 different themed days throughout the week, which are:

  • Monday 20th: Law, Justice and Abolition
  • Tuesday 21st: The Politics of Identity
  • Wednesday 22nd: Nationalism, borders and Migrant Solidarity
  • Thursday 23rd: Climate Crisis
  • Friday 24th: Class, Work, and the Student Movement

The full listing for the week is detailed below, along with links for more information about individual events.

Monday 20th

International law, human rights and national liberation (Tor Krever)

4.00pm – 5.00pm, FAB5.03  

Policing and prison abolition: past, present and anti-racist & feminist futures (Dr. Abeera Khan and Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan)

6.00pm – 7.30pm, online 

Tuesday 21st

Critical reflections on intersectionality and identity politics (Khadijah Diskin)

4.00pm – 5.00pm, Kevin Gately room in SUHQ 

Queer New Times (Alex Stoffel and Ish Tominey-Nevado)

6.00pm – 7.30pm, SO.09

Wednesday 22nd 

Borders, nationalism and migrant solidarity (Tomi Amole)

4.00pm – 5.00pm, Kevin Gately room in SUHQ

Book discussion: “Fractured: Race, Class, Gender and the Hatred of Identity Politics” (with author Michael Richmond)

6.00pm – 7.30pm, Kevin Gately room in SUHQ 

Thursday 23rd

Resisting the climate crisis: a teach-out by Global Majority Vs. 

11:00am - 12:00pm, outside Modern Records Centre

Unpacking the climate crisis: from its roots to our reactions (George Edwards and Fraser Amos)

5.00 – 7.00pm, Zeeman Building - MS.0.4 

Friday 24th

Class, work and the student movement (Amelia Horgan and Nazifa Zaman)

3.00 – 5.00pm, S0.18


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