
News from Warwick SU

Officer Statement

The SU remains fully committed to supporting the welfare of all students impacted by the ongoing crisis in Palestine and Israel.

Official Statement Official Statement

As your officer team, we would like to acknowledge that, since last October, our members have been profoundly affected by the horrifying loss of lives and the widespread displacement in Palestine and Israel, as the humanitarian crisis continues to escalate beyond borders. Many are deeply concerned for the safety and well-being of their family and friends, and are understandably distressed by the ongoing violence taking place.

We are fully committed to supporting the welfare of all students impacted by this crisis, whether through concerns for loved ones in the region or personal challenges they may be facing closer to home. We extend our heartfelt and unwavering support to everyone in our community who is struggling with grief, loss, or trauma during this difficult time. Reiterating our commitment to call for a permanent ceasefire, we hope that political leaders are able to put an end to the violence still taking place across Gaza.

The Students’ Union is here to help and support anyone affected. We encourage you to reach out for support if you are struggling in any way. Some of the support services available are listed below:

  • The Students' Union Advice Centre, which can be contacted through the enquiry form here. 
  • The University's Wellbeing Support Services, who can provide support on any number of individual circumstances, available here.  
  • The Chaplaincy, available to those of all faiths, or none. 
  • The University’s Report and Support platform is available for anyone who experiences something they feel they need to raise or report in confidence. 

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