
News from Warwick SU

SU statement on Warwick's Green League position

We are pleased to see that Warwick has risen 95 places in this year’s Green League to the position of #34. The Green League is a UK-wide competition, run by the student society People and Planet, that provides a ranking system for the sustainability-related performance of universities. People and Planet take into account a range of issues including reduction in carbon emissions, environmental policy and efforts to encourage positive behaviour in staff and students.

We would like to especially thank all those staff and students who work tirelessly to ensure that the University of Warwick remains an environmentally-friendly and sustainable place to live, study and work. While there is still much to be done in the area of sustainability, we are grateful to the University for already approaching the SU to discuss how it can raise its environmental efforts further, offer support to the SU's sustainability actions, and improve its own rating again in next year's league.

View the full results of the 2016 Green League HERE.


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