
News from Warwick SU

Summer Elections - Nominations Now Open!

Nominations for the SU's Summer Elections are now open! We are inviting nominations for both Associations Execs and Student Trustees, until 12pm noon on 7th May.

Summer Elections 2021 - Make Your Mark! Summer Elections 2021

Nominations for the SU's Summer Elections are now open! We are inviting nominations for both Associations Execs and Student Trustees, until 12pm noon on 7th May.

Student Trustees

We are currently looking for five Student Trustees. Each Student Trustee will be appointed for a period of two years starting in August 2021. If you are only here for one year, you can still put yourself forward, as we will re-advertise your role when it becomes vacant.

Historically, appointment of our Student Trustees has been via application and interview. However, due to a recent motion that was passed at Student Council on the 9th March, our way of appointing Student Trustees has changed and our Student Trustees will now be elected into their roles.

We have put together a Student Trustee Pack that contains information about Warwick SU, our strategic direction and most of all, more information about the role of a Student Trustee.

Associations Execs

The upcoming launch of Liberation Associations will enable the SU to better support marginalised and underrepresented students. Associations will help to bring together existing student-run societies with relevant Part-Time Officers, to allow for better coordination of and support for campaigns and other activities.

As part of the SU’s Summer Elections, we are electing exec members to run the Associations alongside the respective Part-Time Officers, so that they can be set-up and ready to go for Welcome 2021. 

The five Associations which will be launching ahead of the next academic year are:

  • LGBTQUA+ Students’ Association
  • Ethnic Minorities Students’ Association
  • Disabled Students’ Association
  • Widening Participation Students’ Association
  • Womens’ Association

Find out more about Asscoiations and the exec positions available here

The Summer Elections are your opportunity to elect who will run the above Associations, as well as next year’s Student Trustees.

Nominate yourself here! 


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