Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
Warwick SU week 3 (w/c 17th October) All Member Email View Online version
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Hello everyone,
Another Monday, and another email from me, as I am sure you have all been eagerly awaiting!
It’s helpful for you all to know that behind every email there is a lot of care, consideration, and a grumpy marketing executive chasing me around the building to hurry up in writing it.
This week, I would just like to congratulate everyone who was elected last week, be it as a Course Rep, Part-Time Officer or something else.
The SU and I look forward to working with you all this year, and if you weren’t elected, there are still so many ways that you can get involved, so please keep a lookout (and see our co-options and available roles below).
As always, be sure to scroll down and check out the latest from the SU, especially PGR students, for a survey regarding PGR support.
Will Brewer
SU President
Autumn Elections: Results

Autumn Elections: Results

Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote in last week’s Autumn Elections! We are pleased to share your new Part-Time Officers, Committee Members and Academic Reps! Congratulations to all those who were elected.
Blackness, Imagination, Liberation Events

Blackness, Imagination, Liberation Events

As part of our brand-new campaign to celebrate Black creative talent at Warwick, check out three events happening this week around the themes of decolonisation, showcasing Warwick’s Black creatives, and the importance of Black politics.
PGR Support Survey

PGR Support Survey

Calling Postgraduate Research (PGR) students! In light of the cost of living crisis and the University increasing its rate of stipends, we would like to gather feedback from PGR students at Warwick, to get a better understanding of any issues you are facing. Please complete our quick survey.
Loud and Proud

Loud and Proud

Loud and Proud is back! That’s right, our clubnight for LGBTQUIA+ students and all their allies at Warwick is happening this Tuesday. Join us in The Copper Rooms 2, from 10pm-2am. Get your tickets here!

Co-options and Available Roles

There are still places available in our democratic structures! Find out how to apply for the positions of Welfare Committee Member, Development Committee Member, Part-Time and Mature Students' Officer and Faculty Rep here.

Rate your Landlord

Does your student house feel like a home? How was the signing and letting process? Is the property safe and secure? Now that you’re settled in, please take a couple of minutes to rate your landlord, so that fellow Warwick students can learn from your experiences.

Competition Winners

Congratulations to Darcie Hurley, who won our Freshers’ Party competition back in Welcome Week! Darcie will be enjoying a lot more night-time events at the SU with her 2 Annual Passes, for Darcie and a friend. Check out all of our events here.

TOTUM Discounts

Did you know that with a TOTUM card, you can get a whole host of student discounts and deals on everything, from eating out and fashion to technology, travel, and daily essentials? Click here to find out more and join TOTUM today.
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We know it can be hard to choose what to eat, so let us supply the goods! Grab a medium pizza, a sumptuous side and a 500ml drink for £16.99. Order now!