Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
Warwick SU week w/c 24th April All Member Email View Online version
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Hello everyone,
It’s Term 3, a time often riddled with highs, lows and opportunities. There’s almost too much to mention in this email, so I will briefly summarise and leave you to have a glance at your leisure.
Sports Ball is back (those tickets go quickly so be at the ready tomorrow), Disability Item Fund is now open, SHaG Fest is back for Round 2, and our amazing WP Officer Kieran has put together an amazing campaign “Let’s Talk About Classism”. I would highly recommend people get involved with this campaign, especially new club & society execs, but it is important for all.
The Office for Students (OfS) is also running a consultation to understand how you want it to best regulate universities to protect students against harassment and sexual misconduct, if this is something that interests you please do explore it below.
I hope that April exams go well for all those involved and remember to keep an eye out for helpful wellbeing resources during the term.
Will Brewer SU President
Pressure Drop

Pressure Drop

Pressure Drop is back! We know exam season can be a difficult and stressful time, so throughout Term 3 we will be hosting wellbeing events, sharing our best revision and self-care tips. Our first event will be a therapy dog session! Wednesday 3rd May in the SU Atrium, 1:30pm-3pm.
Sports Ball 2023

Sports Ball 2023

It's the one you've all been waiting for... Sports Ball 2023! Quite possibly the biggest and most popular social event of the calendar year! Hosted and run by the SU at the Coventry Building Society Arena. Tickets go on sale Tuesday 25th April at 12pm Noon.
Disability Item Fund

Disability Item Fund

Applications to the Warwick SU Disability Item Fund are now open. Supported by the SU Development Committee, students can apply for up to £50 for disability-supporting items. Applications close at 11:59pm on Sunday 7th May. Tap here to apply.
SHaG Fest is back!

SHaG Fest is back!

The Sexual Health and Guidance (SHaG) Festival is back! Join us on Tuesday 2nd May in the SU Atrium 11am-5pm for a day of light-hearted fun, with slightly silly activities as well as information and resources surrounding physical and mental sexual health, and culture around consent and relationships.
Let's Talk About Classism

Let's Talk About Classism

Let's Talk about Classism is a campaign run by your Widening Participation Officer (Kieran Barry) throughout Term 3, to encourage and allow space to come together and discuss the impact of class and socioeconomic status on the opportunities and experiences of Warwick students. Supported by the Warwick Innovation Fund.
Chair of Council Nominations Open

Chair of Council Nominations Open

You can now nominate yourself for the positions of Chair of Council. You will lead the Student Council and ensure that all voices are heard, all whilst gaining fantastic leadership experience. Nominations close on Thursday 4th May at 12 Noon. Find out more about the position here.

Summer Elections - Nominations Open Soon!

The summer elections are your chance to vote for the people who'll represent you at your Students' Union. Nominations for the Summer Elections will open on Tuesday 9th May from 12 Noon.

Foodbank Request Form

If you are in need, the SU are providing food and home items as part of the Cost of Living initiative. Driven by your officers, Tomi (VP Welfare & Campaigns), Kieran (Widening Participation Officer) and Enaya (Women’s Officer). Tap here to fill out the request form.

Our tasty outlet offers

Our tasty outlet offers are back! We're starting Term 3 on a healthy note at the Bread Oven; fresh salad boxes are now available!

Global Connections: International Dance Workshop

Join Global Connections in the SU Atrium for a chance to learn Argentine Tango and Indian Classical Dance! It’s all beginner-friendly sessions, so open to everyone and no experience is required! Wednesday 26th April, 1pm-3:15pm.

OfS Consultation tackling harassment and sexual misconduct

The English higher education regulator, the Office for Students wants your views on how it can regulate universities and colleges to protect students against harassment and sexual misconduct. Tap here for more details.

SU Closed on Bank Holiday Monday

The SU will be closed on Monday 1st May for the Early May Bank Holiday, reopening Tuesday morning. Whatever you're up to, have a great Bank Holiday weekend!

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