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SU Room Bookings

There are a number of rooms societies and clubs can book within the university and the SU. 

SU Rooms

Within the SU societies/clubs can book rooms.

  • Studio 1
  • Studio 2
  • The Atrium (subject to a number of checks)
  • The Dirty Duck
  • The Graduate (subject to a number of checks)
  • Copper Rooms 1 & 2 (subject to a number of checks)
  • Curiositea

Meeting Rooms (Mon-Fri)

2, 3, 4 and the Kevin Gateley Room
Rooms must be vacated by 10pm or at the request of the duty manager

The maximum capacities for each room are as follows:

  • Studio 1 - 38
  • Studio 2 - 26
  • MR2 – 12 people
  • MR 3 & 4 – 8 people
  • Kevin Gateley – 36 people
  • The Graduate - 60 people (seated)


Alcohol is not permitted in the SUHQ building.

To book any of the above rooms (with the exception of Curiositea), please email the below and provide the dates and times you wish to book, the name of the club or society, and your position on the exec.


For Curiositea, please email

Please wait for booking confirmation before you use the room. The SU will give you access to the room.

Please be aware that booking charges may be placed on bookings for the Copper Rooms, the Graduate, Curiositea, and the Dirty Duck, but this may vary.

University Rooms

To book a university room please book via this link: Rooms and Spaces>. Here you can book centrally bookable teaching rooms and performance/specialist spaces as well as other university spaces such as the Piazza.

Please be mindful that certain rooms/areas require certain restrictions including Faculty of Arts Building rooms, Arts Centre Rooms, the Piazza, the Slate and the Ramphal Building.

For external venues contracts must be signed by the SU, look at costs and get quotes – find out what is included (security, venue, food packages etc.)

We ask that you respect the spaces and ensure the room is tidy before vacating

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