Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
Save BIG at Domino’s this January!

Trips and Tours

Please note that all attendees must be 18+

Events are a great way to showcase your Club/Society, recruit new members, reward your members or even just to socialise - but they need to be organised in the right way to ensure everything is safe, financially feasible, and runs as smoothly as possible.

If you have any problems throughout the process, just contact the Student Activities Team (Sports or Societies).


Please note the deadline for submitting a Trip/Tour event planning pack is:

4 weeks for a Domestic Tour (Please note that if payments are required early, then the deadline may need to be longer to take this into consideraton as tickets can only be uploaded once an event planning pack has been approved).

A term before for International Tours (10 weeks approx) (ie. if your tour was planned for term 2 week 4, you would need to submit your planning pack by term 1 week 4).

Domestic Tour

  • If you are planning on booking any coaches, these are the companies that the SU works with.

    • A-Line Coaches – (replies sometimes go to junk)

    • Kirks Coaches – 

    • Phoenix coaches –

    • HS2 –

    • Boudens -

International Tour


  • Travel insurance – All Participants are responsible for purchasing their own travel insurance.  The insurance provider that is used by most Students’ Unions is Endsleigh insurance as they are experienced in working with student groups.  

  • Non UK students – The Exec/Trip Leader are advised to provide sufficient notice and information for all Non UK students to allow time, should they be required to apply for a VISA.  

  • Events and balls should break even. Balls require security present.

  • For International Trips/Tours:

Please note: When planning a Trip/Tour please be aware that these events cannot be subsidised. These are classed as stand alone events and should be financially viable through ticket sales only (or sponsorship, stating it can be used for this specifically). Non-members are not covered under SU insurance for the Society activity of any sort.

  • Who will be attending?
    • Members? Non-members? Alumni? Guests? Spectators? U18's? Attendees with accessibility requirements?
  • Where will it be?
  • When will it be?
  • How many people?
  • Do you require transport, food, alcohol, bad weather contingencies, venue deposits?
  • Will cost to members be reasonable while still covering the cost of the event?

When do you need an Event Planning Pack?

  • Trips, Tours, and Balls will always need a planning pack.
  • Basic gatherings do not need a planning pack.
  • General events:
    • As a general guideline, if the answer to any of the following questions is “yes” then you will need to complete an Event Planning Pack.
      • Will tickets be sold for the event?
      • Will Club/Society funds need to be spent to subsidise the event?
      • Will the planned activities have any potential safety issues?
      • Are there contracts to be signed?

The planning pack has 3 initial elements:


  1. Event plan and facility request form
    • Fill this out for ALL events, only fill in the facility section if Warwick Sport Facilities are required.

  2. Risk Assessment

    Please ensure all relevant rows are completed and no rows are deleted (please put N/A if the risk is not relevant to your event.)

  3. Financial Planner

And 3 additional elements depending on the event:


  1. Tickets (If tickets are required on the SU website)
    • Create the event on the SU Website (Guide)
    • Make sure that the display date of your event is at least as long as you want the tickets up for.
    • Fill out the Ticket Request Form
  2. Trip Leader and Trip Registration Form (For EVERY trip/tour, submitted MINIMUM 48 hours before the event, can be submitted whenever you know all attendees)
    • This should be EMAILED to your coordinator (not posted on teams)
    • You can collect this information via online form. However, you have to make it clear that clicking submit is giving permission for the information to be shared with the SU/University. If you do this, you don't need to collect signatures in person.
  3. Accident Report Form/Near Miss Form
    • Submitted via email if an accident or near miss occurs at an event.


Email all relevant documents to your coordinator.

Your coordinator will then be in touch to advise on any amendments, or to approve the event.

Once your event has been approved, you can create your event page on the SU website, and submit your ticketing form for us to upload your tickets onto. (Please note: all tickets must go through the SU website, no external ticketing platforms can be used).


With Warwick Sport Facilities 

For any events with Warwick Sport Facilities, please see General Events Information page.

Without Warwick Sport Facilities

For any events without Warwick Sport Facilities, submit planning pack and all relevant documents on your club’s teams channel and tag @tripstoursballs

  • All society and sports club promotional material (flyers, posters, digital screen artwork, etc.) must have the Students’ Union logo displayed on it.
    • You can download the SU Logo here
  • SU Website
    • You can set up your own internal article to display to your members when they log in by following these steps:
      • Log into the SU website ( and click the ‘Admin’ (cogs) tab;
      • Select your club/society under ‘Organisations’ (you must be an exec member to do this);
      • Click on ‘News Admin’ and select ‘Add News Article’.
      • Upload all relevant content (images, event description etc) and save.
      • Note: please make sure the box marked ‘Allow Non-Members to Read’ has been unticked before you save your news article.
  • Piazza Big Screen
    • Please note that this is run by the University rather than the SU. Contact details, specifications and submission info can be found online here.
  • Student Media
    • RaW 1251AM (Radio Warwick)
      • RaW, the student radio station, also offers on air advertising to clubs. You can contact them at for details of special student rates.
    • Student Cinema
      • Offers publicity opportunities on either the big screen, their LCD screens or in their booklet. They are also happy to host joint screenings if arranged sufficiently far in advance. More information is available here.
    • The Boar Student Newspaper
      • Offers full, half, and quarter page ads at hugely discounted prices to clubs. Email
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