What is the International Representation Fund?
The International Rep Fund is in place to financially support students who are representing their nation in an international event/competition. You can use the money to help towards transport, accommodation, entry fees and any other costs that are associated with the event.
What is the International Rep Fund not for?
The International Rep Fund cannot be used to purchase equipment that will personally benefit the athlete outside of the competition or event. The fund also doesn’t support costs associated with trials or selection days. You can apply for up to £500 per academic year. This can be split across a number of events but cannot exceed this amount. There is a limit of £1000 per club per event that can be allocated. This is likely to be shared across all applicants.
How do I make an International Rep Fund Bid?
International Rep Fund applications can be found HERE.
Funding bids are reviewed at the end of each term but can be submitted at any point. You are able to apply for either an upcoming event/competition or an event/competition which has passed. When completing your application please provide as much information as possible including any supporting documents you may have e.g. a confirmation letter of your place in that event. If you fail to provide supporting evidence this may affect the success of application. Please send your applications to clubadmin@warwicksu.com – you will receive feedback once the term comes to an end.
Who do I speak to for advice?
Please contact clubadmin@warwicksu.com for any application queries.