Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
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Big Band

Big Band

The University of Warwick Big Band is a non-auditioned and entirely student run society that continues to increase in popularity and professionalism. Our repertoire covers many genres, including swingfunklatin, jazz, bebop, blues, and pop, and our wide range of music and musical ability means we have something for everyone. We play many gigs throughout the year, including University Balls, the ever-popular Students' Union gigs, private functions, and bookings from clubs across Warwickshire, including Coventry's Kasbah.

The band also has a very active social life, and we regularly visit Pop! (including circling several Wednesdays a term) and have regular socials including our annual Music Centre Ball, regular events such as pub golf and end-of-term socials, traditional curry evenings, and an array of non-drinking socials.

We also have three tours a year - two weekend minitours at the end of the autumn and spring terms, and a big summer tour abroad; last summer, the band ventured to Barcelona for a week of Big Band fun!

We have parts for trumpet, trombone, saxophone, bass, guitar, keyboard, and drums, and we hold annual singers' auditions at the beginning of term 1 - keep an eye on our pages for more details.

We'd love to meet any new members - come down to the Ensemble Room (located in the Music Centre) every Thursday at 7-9:30pm during term time (and feel free to join us in the Dirty Duck for a pint afterwards).

If you're interested in improvisation with our Small Band, come along to one of our big band rehearsals, or check out our website or social media for more information.

For our women and non-binary members, we're starting a soul and funk band taking place on Monday at 7-9:30pm (even weeks only) in the Creative Learning Space in the Arts Centre!

For more information go to


Members Notices

We're handling everything via our website now at, so head over there to check what is going on.


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Big Band Standard Membership below.


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