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Warwick STAR

Warwick STAR (Student Action for Refugees)

Warwick STAR

Passionate about improving the lives of refugees and asylum seekers?

Join us at Warwick STAR (STudent Action For Refugees)


Let us introduce ourselves...

Message us to join our Whatsapp group!

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STAR is a national network of young people and university-based student groups aiming to

  • raise awareness of refugee and asylum issues
  • campaign for the rights of refugees
  • and practically support refugees and asylum seekers through volunteering in the local community.

At Warwick, we run two volunteering groups

  • Conversation Club, helping to teach English to refugees living in the local area
  • Youth Club, helping teenagers with refugee status in schools with their schoolwork

We also have loads of campaigning opportunities, joining the national STAR charity in campaigning to:

  • Lift the Ban, on asylum seekers not being able to work
  • Families Together, reuniting families seeking humanitarian protection in the UK
  • Equal Access to education for asylum seekers and refugees in the UK

As well as trying to make the world a better place for refugees and asylum seekers, we also run loads of great socials!

Feel free to check out our Website and join our Instagram page to keep up to date with all the interesting things we are doing! 



@staratwarwick on Instagram

Also, drop us an email anytime at: staratwarwick@gmail.com

Drop us a message to join our WhatsApp group

Click here to join our mailing list!





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Current students should purchase the Warwick STAR Standard Membership below.


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