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Autism at Warwick

Autism at Warwick

Hello! We are Autism at Warwick, a new(ish) society set up by and for autistic students at the university. We run socials and campaigns, and are home to a lively Discord group chat where members can discuss anything from films to baking, as well as providing a safe space for peer support and autism-related discussions. We are very friendly and FREE to join (you also do not need Societies Federation membership) so please do get involved. We are welcoming to all, including those without a formal diagnosis, and don't tolerate any form of discrimination in our communities.

The best places to see ALL OUR UPCOMING EVENTS is on Discord and Instagram - please do consider following us there.

Any questions, please do get in touch! We are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, or email autismatwarwick@gmail.com

2024-25 Exec

President - Hannah Britton

Treasurer - Riley Knight

Secretary - Amy Rogers

Welfare Officers - Raven Taylor and Toby Williams

Social Secretaries - Alex Grainger and Prince Vutabwarova-Finbars

Campaigns and Events Officer - Josh Bradbury

Publicity Officer - Jazzton Lu

Women's Rep - Sydnee Leaver

Ethnic Minorities Rep - Prince Vutabwarova-Finbars

LGBTQ+ Rep - Ashley Jones


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Autism at Warwick Standard Membership below.


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