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Warwick BioSoc


BioSoc is the University of Warwick's Biology Society!

Friendly and open to all, BioSoc is the perfect society for those studying at the School of Life Sciences, the Medical School or simply those with an interest in all things Biology. We provide a welcoming community with a shared passion for science, hosting fun socials, providing family support, one-to-one academic mentoring, academic events and meaningful volunteering opportunities. 

How can I get involved with BioSoc?

Or get involved in so many other ways! Feel free to email us with any questions or enquiries.


Society Constitution: 


  1. Name

1.1 The name of the society shall be Warwick Students’ Union BioSoc

2  Aims and Objectives

2.1  The Society shall have written statement of aims and objectives providing a clear understanding of the society. This shall be subject to review annually by the BioSoc Executive Committee

2.2  The society aims and objectives shall be:

2.2.1 To be a society that welcomes everyone from any background with a particular interest in Life Sciences.

2.2.2 To provide high quality social events and academic support for BioSoc members with high level engagement.

2.2.3 To have a wide variety of both social and academic events on a regular basis.

2.2.4 Primary advertising of events to students part of Warwick School of Life Sciences and maintain a working relationship with the department to support student academics.

2.2.1 To be a society that welcomes everyone from any background with a particular interest in Life Sciences.

2.2.2 To provide high quality social events and academic support for BioSoc members with high level engagement.

2.2.3 To have a wide variety of both social and academic events on a regular basis.

2.2.4 Primary advertising of events to students part of Warwick School of Life Sciences and maintain a working relationship with the department to support student academics.

2.3  The Society, its Executives, its funds and all its activities shall be subject to the provisions of the By-Laws, Regulations and Policy of the University of Warwick Students’ Union.

2.4  The Society shall be subject to a disciplinary code as laid down and administered by the Students’ Union.

2.5  Any alterations to the Society Constitution must be ratified by the Societies Forum. A provisional copy must be sent to the Vice President for Societies for approval before the new constitution may take effect.

2.6  If the Society has issues arising not mentioned in a personalised Constitution, then this document will become the default. Any issues may be dealt with by contacting your Societies Coordinator. 

3  Memberships

3.1  Memberships of the Society shall be open to all full, associate and honorary members of the Students’ Union upon payment of the required Societies Federation subscription.

3.2  Memberships of the Society are to be renewed in the September of every academic year.

3.3  Only standard members of the society shall be entitled to vote in elections, provided they have joined the society and paid the appropriate subscription fee no less than three days before the election takes place.

3.4  The following shall not be entitled to hold the office of an Executive position in the society:

3.4.a An Associate or Honorary member of the Students’ Union or Societies Federation

3.4.b Any person who has received payment for the provision of services to the society (not including reimbursement of personal expenditure on behalf of the society)

3.5  The Society must have a minimum of 30 members by the sixth week of term one. If the minimum membership is not met, a meeting with the Society and their Societies Coordinator will be scheduled to discuss the future of the Society.

4  Executive Committee

4.1  The Society’s Executive Committee shall be made up of at least three Core Roles who shall be the President/Chair, the Welfare Officer and the Treasurer. 

4.2  The Executive Committee must also ensure that they include an officer responsible for each of Core Responsibilities. These responsibilities may be put under the remit of other committee members’ roles, unlike the Core Officers, and do not need to be separate officers. However, they must be specified in the Constitution. The Core Responsibilities are as follows:

4.2.a  Equality and Diversity

4.2.b  Safety

4.2.c  Secretary

4.3  The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the day to day running of the society and may decide upon any matter that has not yet been decided upon by the General Meeting. The Executive Committee shall further be responsible for:

4.3.a  Organising the activities of the Society in such a way as to include the greatest possible number of Society members

4.3.b  Managing the expenditure of the Society’s funds in a responsible fashion and in line with the aims, objectives and planned activities of the Society whilst adhering to the SU’s financial regulations

4.3.c  Formulating and submitting an annual bid for funds from Student Activities prior to any specified deadline which shall include a statement of activities and objectives for the coming year and detailed justification of the figures contained in the bid

4.3.d  Formulating and submitting any additional bids for funds from the SU Societies Forum or groups within the Students’ Union

4.3.e  Assisting any review of the Society’s activities and use of funds carried out by a standing committee or group of the Students’ Union that has granted funds to the Society

4.3.f  Upholding the Constitution of the Society and ensuring that its aims and objectives reflect the Society activities 4.3.g  Ensuring that all society activity abides by the By-laws, regulations and policy of Warwick SU.

4.3.h Executive Committee members must attend assigned training to ensure they are equipped to organise the Society.

4.4  Core officers

4.4.1 The Core Officer Duties shall include:

4.4.1.a To attend the Society’s Annual General Meeting

4.4.1.b To attend Societies Council and complete mandatory training sessions/courses


The core officers shall be:

4.4.2  President/Chair/Club Captain

4.4.2.a The President/Chair/Captain should organise and oversee the running of The Society

4.4.2.b The President/Chair/Captain should chair committee meetings

4.4.3  Treasurer

4.4.3.a The Treasurer should be responsible for the finances of the Society

4.4.3.b The Treasurer should maintain an up-to-date record of their group account in addition to the record kept by the SU finance office

4.4.3.c All funds should be held and processed through the groups Students’ Union bank account. No money should be held in personal bank accounts

4.4.3.d The Treasurer should submit grant funding applications 

4.4.4  Welfare Officer

4.4.4.a The Welfare Officer should be responsible for signposting Society members to the University’s and SU’s support services when a welfare issue arises

4.4.4.b The Welfare Officer should make it known among Society members that they can come to them for initial support, however, should expect that support will take the form of signposting and not advice

4.4 Additional Officers

4.1 Vice Presidents, Socials and Academics

4.4.1.a The Vice Presidents should support the President in the organisation of running The Society
4.4.1.b The Vice Presidents should be the first point of contact if other Officers require assistance or advice in their roles

4.4.1.c The Vice Presidents will each primarily work with either the social or academic class of Officers and have responsibility for overseeing the function of their part of The Society, aided by the President

4.4.2 Secretary and Welfare Officer

4.4.2.a The Secretary is responsible for communication within The Society and between The Society and external points of contact

4.4.2.b The Secretary will take minutes at meetings and liaise on the behalf of The Society with the President

4.4.2.c The Welfare Officer should be responsible for encouraging training for members of The Society and is responsible for enforcing appropriate treatment of members

4.4.2.d The Welfare Officer should not be providing any advice or be involved in personally ratifying issues and should direct anyone with serious welfare matters to seek support from relevant, appropriate resources

4.4.2.e The Welfare Officer should be a point of confidence for all members of The Society and not discriminate based on information disclosed to them in confidence

4.4.3 Social Secretaries

4.4.3.a The Social Secretaries should organise social events for members of The Society and any individuals who wish to attend

4.4.3.b The Social Secretaries should be responsible for the health, safety, and welfare of individuals who wish to attend the socials they have organised

4.4.3.c The Social Secretaries should not discriminate against any member who chooses to attend their social Events 4.4.4 Sports Officer

4.4.4.a The Sports Officer should provide opportunities for members of The Society to engage in sports, particularly team sport

4.4.4.b The Sports Officer should provide members of The Society means of contact with each other if they wish to form a team for a particular sport that will represent The Society in inter-Society competitions

4.4.4.c The Sports Officer should actively listen to the members of The Society and provide means to play the sports the members of The Society wish to play where feasible

4.4.5 Freshers Officers

4.4.5.a The Freshers Officers should have a particular emphasis on welcoming fresher members to The Society

4.4.5.b The Freshers Officers should work with the Social Secretaries to promote The Society’s social
events to the younger years, aiming to receive high engagement, ensuring the survival of The Society

4.4.5.c The Freshers Officers should engage with fresher members of The Society with the aims of hearing exactly what they want out of The Society with aim to feed this information back to The Society to improve it 4.4.6 Outreach Officers

4.4.6.a The Outreach Officers should coordinate outreaching events, including working with neighbouring schools and assisting in Science Week or at stalls where requested by the public and agreed to by The Society Exec

4.4.7 Ball Organiser

4.4.7.a The ball organiser should focus heavily on being the main planner and coordinator of the annual ball and to
work together with other roles and the ball subcommittee to promote the event.

4.4.7.b They are responsible for signing agreements with third parties on the behalf of the society with approval from the


4.4.8 Mentor Coordinator

4.4.8.a The Mentor Coordinator is responsible for assessing mentors and assigning mentees to mentors so that all members can access the benefits of academic support within LifeSciences

4.4.8.b The Mentor Coordinator attends BioCafe support sessions with the rest of the BioCafe Team 4.4.9 Social Media Officers

4.4.9.a Social Media Officers are responsible for the advertising, promotion and marketing of The Society and its activities 4.4.10 Academic Talks Coordinator

4.4.10.a The Academic Talks Officer should work with other exec members to organise and oversee regular value-adding events for members such as internal/external academic talks, panels and networking events

5  Meetings

5.1  The Executive must meet at least three times per term to ensure the Society is operated to a high standard.

5.2  The Society Executive shall call at least one General Meeting per year for the purposes of discussing plans and activities for the coming year.  This must be held by Week 10, Term 2.  This GM may also be used to hold Society Officer elections. 

5.3  The Society Executive shall give at least seven days’ notice of any General Meeting to all members via Society email and such notice shall include details of any elections to be held

5.4  The Executive shall call further meetings either at its own initiative or at the request of 10% of the membership or the request of the Vice President for Societies. 

6  Elections

6.1  Elections shall be held online or at a quorate general meeting in line with By-Law 10 Appendix D

6.2  Votes will be counted a First Past The Post/Single Transferrable Vote electoral system.

6.3  Any amendments to the constitution must be made by the end of term 3.

6.4  The renewed Constitution, with up to date signatures, must be sent to the Societies Coordinator before the end of term 3


Upcoming Events

BioTour - Liverpool!
15th March 8am - 17th March 5pm
BioSoc are making their way to liverpool! Ticket includes 2 nights of accommodation, travel there and back, and mini golf!


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Current students should purchase the BioSoc Standard Membership below.


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