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Hip Hop Dance: EQHO

Hip Hop Dance: EQHO

Warwick Hip Hop Dance: EQHO

We invite everyone to come around and try something new! 

This is where you can find all of the updated information on class links, events, socials, and more!


Classes take place on Wednesday and Friday during term 1. We offer classes across a variety of street styles, such as commercial, heels, afro, and freestyle. Please see our Instagram for who is teaching each week!

Monday 6pm-8pm:- IKEA Rooms Downstairs / Studio 1
Wednesday 2pm-4pm :- IKEA Rooms Downstairs / Studio 1

Classes are £2 for members and £4 for non-members. 

At the end of each term, we host a dance showcase where everyone is invited to perform and/or watch. It’s an occasion for us to celebrate, freestyle and share. We also offer numerous other exciting performance opportunities in collaboration with other performing arts societies, such as Classical Modern Dance Showcase and Pizazz.


EQHO has a long history of outstanding performances at national competitions, including the People's Choice Award at GHGH 2022, 2nd place at Loughborough Uni Dance Competition 2022, 1st Place for both intermediate/ advanced categories in the Sheffield Uni Dance Competition 2023.

In the past, we’ve collaborated with various different societies, including Warwick Salsa, Cyphr and Bollywood Dance, to deliver a wide range of dance workshops and social activities.

Workshops and Studio Trips
We invite professional choreographers from across the UK to lead workshops every year. In the past, we’ve had workshops led by Mikey Ureta, Christina Tzakou, Fabiane Leame, Andi Vega, Erika and many more! We also host trips to top dance studios in London, such as BASE and Studio 68.


We hold drinking and sober socials throughout the year to get to know everyone outside of class. In addition to this, we have our annual ball and tour in Term 2. 

Executive Committee:

President - Miemie Putthapornmongkol

Vice-President - Vanessa Leung

Secretary - Gurpreet Cheema

Competitions Coordinator - Kyle Harries

Performance Coordinator - Aramide Ellie Oyegoke

Class Coordinator - Crystal Lo

Marketing Director - Ginger Wong and Ishr Mann

Media Coordinator - Harshita Anandan

Social Media Coordinator - Alicja Rozwadowska

Social Secretary - Natalia Kelsall and Elisa Perra

Ball Coordinator - Ella Chan

Tour Coordinator - Veronica Velo Rodriguez-Vina

Treasurer - Darcie Pearce

Upcoming Events

EQHO Ball 2025
3rd May 6:30pm - 10:30pm
The Slate, University of Warwick
EQHO's annual ball is back!! Get ready to get all dressed up for a night 'under the stars'!


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Hip Hop Dance: EQHO Standard Membership below.


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