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History of Art Society

University of Warwick History of Art Society

History of Art Society

Join us for art, architecture and antics!

Be prepared for groovy socials, thought-provoking guest speakers and informative collaborations with other societies.

Our diverse and inclusive society puts on a range of both academic and social events throughout the year. Whether you're an Picasso novice or Kahlo connoisseur, everyone is welcome! 



Check out our website's EVENTS page to see what we got up to last year. Events are open to members from all year groups and degree backgrounds!

  • Nights out in Coventry and Leamington Spa
  • House parties 
  • Art-themed circles
  • Film nights 
  • Trips to galleries and new exhibitions
  • Annual foreign and domestic tours


Talks and Careers

We aim to provide support to students looking to pursue a career in the Arts or Heritage industries through our careers events with potential employers and alumni evenings, that will give you an insight into the variety of opportunities available in these sectors. 

We will also host academic talks covering an array of topics relevant in art such as politics, religion, gender and race. 



Throughout the year we will organise talks and workshops to help art historians prepare for assignments. There will be additional revision lectures in the summer term, with advice and tips on how to ace those infamous slide tests! 

For Freshers excited about the term abroad - we have a useful Guide to Venice, where returning second years will share their experiences and secrets on the best places to visit and how to survive the floods!



Write for us! Members now have the opportunity to be published on our brand new website. Art related articles, exhibition reviews and poetry are all welcome. Our society has collaborative partnerships with a handful of alumnae-run organisation, including 'Mouthing Off' and 'All Access Arts'. They are always seeking out new talent, be that for practical art work or innovative written pieces!


Our Executive

PRESIDENT | Brianne Poon

SECRETARY | Farzana Amir Hamzah

TREASURER | Charlie Marks 

SOCIAL SECRETARY | Eve Osborne, Martha Heald 


HEAD OF MARKETING | Vanessa Folkes 


- Our contact links are up on our website's EXEC page, feel free to reach out to us or DM the HoASoc accounts. 


Social Media 

Keep in the loop and follow us:

Instagram | @warwick_hoa 

Facebook | @warwickhoasoc 

LinkedIn | Warwick History of Art Society 


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the History of Art Society Standard Membership below.


Please log in to join this organisation.