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Nightline is a student-run listening service, we are non-advisory and non-judgemental. All of our anonymous student volunteers are trained to listen empathetically, to simply be a listening ear for anyone who needs it. 

How to Use Our Services
You can contact us through the following methods, whichever is most comfortable for you: 
  • Drop in at the Nightline building, between Old and New Rootes, by the Launderette 

  • Call us on 02476 522199 or 02476 574322 

Upon request we can also give out the following for free: 

  • Condoms 

  • Pregnancy tests 

  • Lube 

  • Ear plugs 

  • Attack alarms 

  • Bus times and Taxi Numbers 

  • Tea and biscuits 

We are open every night of term 9pm-9am so if you would like to, contact us and we’ll listen. 

Video Transcript:

Nightline is a student run service that exists to give Warwick students a place where they can talk and be heard. We’re a service that is confidential and non-judgemental. We’re here to listen to you, with no topic brought to us ever being too big or too small. You don’t need a problem to speak to us, we do our best to make sure everyone feels safe and comfortable coming to us. We also provide free pregnancy tests, attack alarms, condoms, tampons and much more to help you. We’re open every day of the week during term time. You can drop in and talk to us face-to-face, email us, call us, or use our IM service. You’ll see our cards and posters around campus, so our contact details will be easy for you to find. And we hope to run some fun events to help spread the word of what nightline offers. We’re always looking for new volunteers, and in term 1 and 2 we’ll be running training sessions. More information on how to apply will be published closer to the date. And let’s not forget that you will be seeing a lot of our fuzzy mascot, so look out for any owls that you might see on campus.

Volunteer With Us

Think you'd make a good listener? Thought about volunteering with Nightline? We hold training on the Saturday and Sunday of Week 3 during terms 1 and 2.

If you would like to be notified with more details closer to the weekend please fill out your contact details here:

Video Transcript:


We are a student run, non-advisory and completely confidential listening service. In joining us you will receive training in active listening, empathetic communication and get to be part of a community trying to make a difference. Volunteering with us will enable you to join a group from many courses, all different years, and different backgrounds. Because all our current volunteers are anonymous, we asked ex-volunteers to share their experience of volunteering with Nightline.


My name is Louis and while I was at uni I volunteered at nightline for about 3 years and honestly it was the best decision I ever could’ve made. The ability to help so many other students at uni while also meeting and getting to know such a great group of people like the other volunteers just made my uni experience so much better than it ever could’ve been. And anyone can be a volunteer, if you have the desire to help people, then we are able to train you up and you can be an amazing Nightliner so really consider signing up, you will not regret it at all.

Ex-volunteer 2:

So, I volunteered for nightline throughout my 3 years of university and I was really nervous when I joined, I didn’t really know what to expect. But everybody I met was completely amazing. I met some of my very best friends for life. Sometimes it is really difficult because of the nature of what we do but it was one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done, and I would encourage anybody who’s thinking about it to give it a go.

Current anonymous volunteer:

“Training a cohort of young people how to be empathetic, kinder and better listeners is one way to make the world a better place, one phone call at a time”


If you are interested in volunteering with us look out for more information about our training weekends or follow our Facebook page to get updates about our sign ups.

Why the World Needs Nightline

All Nightlines across the country recently recognised 50 years of the Nightline movement. Here is a short video explaining why some of our volunteers feel the world needs Nightline.

Recognizing our listening legacy #Nightline50 #NL50 #listeninglegacy

Video Transcript:

Why the world needs Nightline: (Answered by our volunteers)

“I think the world needs Nightline because in our modern society it’s really hard to be vulnerable a lot of the time, so to have a place where people can go and be supported by another person so openly and authentically is really important.”

“We need it because mental health is just as important as physical health and we need easily accessible services when we’re not feeling so great. Also listening and not judging is really important, people want to feel heard and Nightline has been doing that for 50 years! There aren’t many spaces where you can go to someone and they’ll sit and listen without making it about them or about their reaction.”

“Some people just need a ear to listen to them and it can be difficult to talk to friends and family about certain issues. Therefore, an anonymous listening service, like Nightline, can help people open up as they feel more comfortable.”

“I’d say the world needs Nightline to make people feel heard and understood in their hardest moments, but equally when they might think they might think their problem is too small and don’t want to feel like they may bother someone lese with it, Nightline will listen and listen without judgement.”

“In the world we live in now everyone is so connected and disconnected at the same time that it is so easy to be isolated with no one to talk to. Nightline is important because it creates a safe space where you can talk and feel listened to and sometimes that’s all it takes.”

“In the busy world that’s constantly rushing and racing, it’s good and important to be able to take a minute to acknowledge that what you are feeling. With Nightline what I have seen is that when you acknowledge what you are feeling having someone to simply sit with you and listen to whatever you want to say can make a big difference.”

“While we can’t and won’t solve anyone’s problems, sometimes just having someone there is enough. Training a cohort of young people to be more empathetic, kinder, and better listeners is one way to make the world a better place one phone call at a time.”


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Nightline Standard Membership below.


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