Being a member of ShakeSoc offers you the chance to participate in both academic and performative workshops and regularly meet up with fellow die-bards for a drink at the end of a long hard day of Shakespeare. We also encourage our members to submit their own productions, which not only helps spread the good word to students who have not experienced Shakespeare before, but allows our members to perform, or try out different roles within a production team. From a classic interpretation of Richard III to an entirely new piece of student writing, as long as it’s related to The Bard, we love it.
Being both an academic and performance society, it really doesn’t matter where your interests lie. Our society is a fantastic way to meet like-minded people and enjoy the works of William Shakespeare and his contemporaries.
Follow us on Instagram @shakesoc_warwick for more updates!
Exec 24/25
President: Anoushay Dar
Vice President: Diya Sengupta
Productions Manager: Freya Carey-Wood
Treasurer: Julia Redfern
Dramaturg, Outreach & Inclusivity: Jo Tucker
Social Secretaries: Max Fleming & Alfie Rogers
Marketing Manager: Harlo Thistleton