We have over 250 societies - there is bound to be one for you! On this page you can find out more about societies, join them, start them up, or find resources for exec members.

Societies Federation Membership

What is Societies Federation membership?

Societies Federation membership is a membership which then allows you to join Societies! Each society may also have its own small membership fee which is decided by the specific society. Please note, this resets each year on 1st September. If you buy membership before this, it will reset to the new academic year on this date. Please ensure you purchase this for the correct year.

Under 18s

If you're under 18 please go here
You will not be able to buy a standard membership until you safeguarding has been completed


Societies Federation costs:




Societies Federation Standard Membership - Undergraduate

Ref: M10000030

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Price: £16.00
This membership is for Undergraduate students and needs to be purchased before joining Societies



Societies Federation Standard Membership - Postgraduate

Ref: M10003560

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Price: £8.00
This membership is for Postgraduate students and needs to be purchased before joining Societies



Societies Federation Standard Membership - Erasmus

Ref: M10003570

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Price: £6.00
This membership is for Erasmus students and needs to be purchased before joining Societies

Where does the money go?

All the money from Societies Federation memberships goes straight back into societies! Grants are allocated at the start of each academic year. This then means we can have more diverse and unique societies!

What if I change my mind?

There is a 14 day grace period in which you can change your mind. Outside of this time we cannot approve a refund without extenuating circumstances. Please email studentactivities@warwicksu.com in either case.