Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
We have over 250 societies - there is bound to be one for you! On this page you can find out more about societies, join them, start them up, or find resources for exec members.




The society for people who love to sing!

Sing society at Warwick University, is an inclusive society for everyone who loves to sing and perform! Our weekly sessions and end of term showcases are non-audition so that everyone has the opportunity to showcase their talent!

We aim to create a fun and welcoming environment for our members, to provide a safe space for you to practice your singing skills, make friends or even to just escape from the busy life of uni. We encourage, and extend a warm welcome to singers of all abilities and languages to join us, and we would love to see a range of genres/songs in our sessions.


Each week we aim to hold two singing sessions. One of these sessions will have more structure, where we will focus on vocal techniques, performance skills and will give members the opportunity to expand their repertoire by learning a series of songs, from different genres over the course of the term. The other session will be more relaxed, where members will have the opportunity to practice their performance skills in front of a very friendly, and supportive audience. This will be extremely useful leading up to the showcase, and we will also be holding smaller group sessions where members can sign up on selected days to practice without an audience, in an empty rehearsal space.

Each term we will be holding one showcase for all of our members who would love to perform. The location and date of these are to be confirmed, however members will have access to performance equipment and will have the opportunity to perform in front of an audience of not just Sing Soc members! This may seem daunting, but it will be such a fun experience and we will make sure you feel as confident as possible in rehearsals leading up to the showcase.

If singing in front of a crowd is not quite your thing, we will have opportunities for you to be involved behind the scenes such as event planning, showcase director, welfare catch ups or even one of our new freshers rep! We also hope to have many socials this year for you all to get involved such as open mic nights, sober socials, pub crawls as well as so many more!!! There will be lots to get involved with if you don't want to take to the stage just yet!

We would love to see returning faces as well as the new freshers/first years starting at Warwick.

We have so many exciting things planned for the society this year and we can't wait to share it all with you❤️

The Exec for 2024/25

President: Martina Bizzaro

Welfare Officer: Alexandra Philippou

Treasurer: Ida Slavina

Publicity Officer: Ella Browne

Social Secretary: Anna Fernandez

⭐️Follow us on our social media to keep up to date with our sessions and social events⭐️



Join This Society

Current students should purchase the SingSoc Standard Membership below.


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