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Engineers Without Borders UK

Engineers Without Borders Warwick

Engineers Without Borders UK


What is EWB University of Warwick?



We're the first society on campus to offer weekly design sprint sessions! The idea is that anyone can come along and get involved in that weeks brief, whether its "How can we stop cheese from going everywhere when grating?" to "How can we design a game controller with as least waste possible?". Each week will be a new theme, with new materials and supplies to get invovled with! Industry level skillls and knowledge will be communicated in each session, helping Engineering students add to their CV!

We'll be running termly projects - but what does that mean? Each term we'll run a small project, with an industry partner, acting as a pro-bono consultancy for our local community! This will involve creating a design, prototyping and building the final product! This will allow you to put a REAL project on your CV!

This year we're expanding our outreach! Our outreach team will be a group of members, like YOU, who either run an engineering workhop, like "How to Build a Wind Turbine" for Y7-10s, or act as mentors for Y11-12. We want to increase the number of females and ethnic minorities entering STEM. We aim to do this by teach younger students what engineering is in a fun and engaging way, and by acting as mentors for older students who may be thinking of pursuing engineering - giving them the confidence and understanding in what the university degree will be like. 

Lastly, there will of course be socials! We're a friendly team who will be hosting nights out, circling and everything in between!

If you like the sound of our outreach programme, or being a part of our projects, or just coming along to the socials and design sprints - make sure to join as a member :)

Overall, using our reach as a society, we want to make engineering and design more accessible to everyone, whilst holding global resposibility at the heart of our mission. 

We want to act as a platform to educate, connect and build a proactive community.

How can I get involved?

Follow the instructions below to be a member of this free-to-join society.

Follow our other social media pages to keep updated on the latest updates and events.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ewbwarwick/?fref=ts

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ewbwarwick/


Exec Team

President: Yasmine Mountaser

Vice President: Hywel Moreland

Secretary: Viviana Moposita

Treasurer: Ambreen Arshad

Projects Coordinator: Finley Wright + Rueben Mcmahon 

Technical Director: Dillan Bartlett

Design Events Director: Oriana Paraschiv 

Outreach Officer: Ethan Crockford

Marketing Director: Akash Hedge

Social Secretary: Pradyot Pendyala

Join our WhatsApp Group here or scan the QR code below.

Exec Membership

Engineers Without Borders UK - President

Engineers Without Borders UK - Events Coordinator

Engineers Without Borders UK - Marketing Officer

Engineers Without Borders UK - Outreach Officers

Engineers Without Borders UK - Projects Coordinators

Engineers Without Borders UK - Secretary

Engineers Without Borders UK - Treasurer

Engineers Without Borders UK - Vice President


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Engineers Without Borders UK Standard Membership below.


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