Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
We have over 250 societies - there is bound to be one for you! On this page you can find out more about societies, join them, start them up, or find resources for exec members.


Warwick Mind Aware

Warwick Mind Aware

Warwick Mind Aware


Are you passionate about mental health?

Do you want to be involved in activities that can take away from the stress of student life, while supporting a good cause?

Yes? Then read on!


Warwick Mind Aware is a society which helps raise awareness for mental health issues and reduce the stigma surrounding them.




Society Awards

Warwick wild card 2016                                            Best campaign of the year 2017

Best community society of the year 2015                 Best society under 100 members 2017

Best campaign of the year 2015


We tend to have a range of activities going on throughout the year, so there’s something to suit everyone! All events are totally voluntary so you can help us plan or just come along to however many you like, it’s all about what works best for you!


Mental Health Awareness Weeks

Most of our important events are held during global and national awareness weeks dedicated to specific disorders or to mental wellbeing in general! During the week we work with our own members and different societies to hold various events helping raise awareness for mental health and different mental illnesses. This year we are planning:

  • informational talks surrounding the given topic
  • talks from external speakers to tell us a little bit about the mechanisms in the brain behind different conditions
  • general wellbeing events in additional to our usual wellbeing events

The informational talks will be quite informal so you can get involved as much or as little as you like! We will be discussing things such as the symptoms, consequences and misconceptions about mental illnesses. We will also talk about misdiagnosis and how to help a friend.

We also hold events on mental health topics throughout the year, regardless of the time of year. These typically include disorders that might not have a dedicated week during term time but may also include ones that do - but please feel free to get in touch if there’s a particular topic that you’d like to talk about!



This year we are also planning to collaborate with societies at Warwick to introduce talks about neurodiversity and neurodivergent conditions! We hope to raise the awareness and understanding surrounding neurodiversity (including Autism and ADHD) by hosting events similar to the ones held for mental health awareness weeks!


Socials & Wellbeing Events

As well as raising awareness, we’re also here to have a good time! Mind Aware hold various socials throughout the year, and they’re all different so there’s something for everyone!

In the past we’ve done doggy de-stress days, christmas dinner at Xananas, Bowling, Laser Quest, Ice Skating, Curry nights, Board Game socials, and quiz nights. We're also looking to have regular guided meditation sessions, arts and crafts and nature activites!

Mind Aware Website

This year we will also be adding resources to the Mind Aware website, which will be available shortly! We plan to include things such as links to helplines, information about mental illnesses, books or media that is informational and represents mental illness accurately, and more! Our events and news updates will also be available to view on the website! We aim to collaborate with many people to create a collection of useful resources for everyone including Warwick societies, mental health charities and of course, you!


Meet the Exec

President: Anna Zajaczkowska

Treasurer: Jachym Tolar

Welfare & Events Officer: William Passfield


Mind Aware Constitution

Date Recognised/Renewed 26/06/2022

1  Name

  1. The name of the society shall be Warwick Students’ Union Warwick Mind Aware

2  Aims and Objectives

2.1  The Society shall have written statement of aims and objectives providing a clear understanding of the society. This shall be subject to review annually by the Mind Aware Executive Committee

2.2  The society aims and objectives shall be:

2.2.1  To raise awareness regarding mental health topics.

2.2.2  To create an inclusive environment where people can express their feelings.

2.2.3  To help people struggling with their mental health

2.2.4  To fight the stigma against mental health.

2.3  The Society, its Executives, its funds and all its activities shall be subject to the provisions of the By-Laws, Regulations and Policy of the University of Warwick Students’ Union.

2.4  The Society shall be subject to a disciplinary code as laid down by the Students’ Union and administered by the Societies Executive.

2.5  Any alterations to the Society Constitution must be ratified by the Societies Executive. A provisional copy must be sent to the Societies Officer for approval before the new constitution may take effect.

2.6  If the Society has issues arising not mentioned in a personalised Constitution, then this document will become the default. Any issues may be dealt with by contacting your Societies Coordinator.

3  Memberships

3.1  Memberships of the Society shall be open to all full, associate and honorary members of the Students’ Union upon payment of the required Societies Federation subscription.

3.2  Memberships of the Society are to be renewed in the October of every academic year.

3.3  Only standard members of the society shall be entitled to vote in elections, provided they have joined the society and paid the appropriate subscription fee no less than three days before the election takes place.

3.4  The following shall not be entitled to hold the office of an Executive position in the society:

3.4.a An Associate or Honorary member of the Students’ Union or Societies Federation

3.4.b Any person who has received payment for the provision of services to the society (not including reimbursement of personal expenditure on behalf of the society)

3.5  The Society must have a minimum of 30 members by the sixth week of term one. If the minimum membership is not met a meeting with the Society, Societies Coordinator and Societies Officer will be scheduled to discuss the future of the Society.

3.6  It is the responsibility of the Society Executive Committee to ensure that those attending their events are members of the Union.

4  Executive Committee

4.1  The Society’s Executive Committee shall be made up of at least three voting officers of whom two shall be the President/Chair and the Treasurer respectively.

4.2  The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the day to day running of the society and may decide upon any matter that has not yet been decided upon by the General Meeting. The Executive Committee shall further be responsible for:

4.2.a  Organising the activities of the Society in such a way as to include the greatest possible number of Society members

4.2.b  Managing the expenditure of the Society’s funds in a responsible fashion and in line with the aims, objectives and planned activities of the Society whilst adhering to the SU’s financial regulations

4.2.c  Formulating and submitting an annual bid for funds from the Societies Executive prior to any specified deadline which shall include a statement of activities and objectives for the coming year and detailed justification of the figures contained in the bid

4.2.d  Formulating and submitting any additional bids for funds from the Societies Executive or groups within the Students’ Union

4.2.e  Assisting any review of the Society’s activities and use of funds carried out by a standing committee or group of the Students’ Union that has granted funds to the Society

4.2.f  Upholding the Constitution of the Society and ensuring that its aims and objectives reflect the Society activities

4.2.g  Ensuring that all society activity abides by the By-laws, regulations and policy of Warwick SU.

4.2.h Executive Committee members must attend assigned training to ensure they are equipped to organise the Society.

4.3  Core officers

4.3.1 The Core Officer Duties shall include:

4.3.1.a To attend the Society’s Annual General Meeting

4.3.1.b To attend Societies Council and complete mandatory training sessions/courses

The core officers shall be:

4.3.2  President/Chair/Club Captain

4.3.2.a The President/Chair/Captain should organise and oversee the running of The Society

4.3.2.b The President/Chair/Captain should chair committee meetings

4.3.2.c  The President/Chair/Captain should produce an annual report

4.3.3  Treasurer

4.3.3.a The Treasurer should be responsible for the finances of the Society

4.3.3.b The Treasurer should maintain an up-to-date record of their group account in addition to the record kept by the SU finance office

4.3.3.c All funds should be held and processed through the groups Students’ Union bank account. No money should be held in personal bank accounts

4.3.3.d The Treasurer should submit grant funding applications

4.3.4 Secretary

           4.3.4.a The Secretary should keep all society members up to date via weekly emails.

           4.3.4.b The Secretary should take charge of the Society’s email account.

           4.3.4.c The Secretary should book rooms for meetings and events held by The Society.

4.3.5 Welfare Officer

          4.3.5.a The Welfare Officer should respond to the welfare needs of the society members

          4.3.5.b The Welfare Officer should organize welfare-based events with the exec to advocate the welfare aims of the Society.

          4.3.5.c The Welfare Officer should handle potential welfare issues within the Society.

4.4 Additional Officers

4.4.1 Social secretary

           4.4.1.a The Social Secretary must publicize (events, campaigns…) the Society through social media

Events Officer

           4.4.1.b The Events Officer must plan and execute events and campaigns for society members

5  Meetings

5.1  The Executive must meet at least three times per term to ensure the Society is operated to a high standard.

5.2  The Society Executive shall call at least one General Meeting per year for the purposes of discussing plans and activities for the coming year.  This must be held by Week 10, Term 2.  This GM may also be used to hold Society Officer elections.

5.3  The Society Executive shall give at least seven days’ notice of any General Meeting to all members via Society email and such notice shall include details of any elections to be held

5.7  The Executive shall call further meetings either at its own initiative or at the request of 10% of the membership or the request of the Societies Officer.

6  Elections

6.1  Elections shall be held online or at a quorate general meeting in line with By-Law 10 Appendix D

6.2  Votes will be counted a First Past The Post/Single Transferrable Vote electoral system.

6.3  Any amendments to the constitution must be made by the end of term 3.

6.4  The renewed Constitution, with up to date signatures, must be sent to the Societies Coordinator before the end of term 3


Join This Society

Current students should purchase the Warwick Mind Aware Standard Membership below.


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