The Teams
We have 3 competitive squads, taking part in Wednesday BUCS leagues against other universities and Saturday leagues against local clubs. We also have one ever-growing squad which emphasises the social aspect of our sport, as well as a new beginner team that we introduced last year. These squads cater for all abilities, from high-level players to complete beginners, in a friendly and welcoming environment. Last year we welcomed over 50 freshers into the club, including 18 complete beginners!
We have 2 on-pitch training sessions per week, run by professional coaches of an extremely high standard, as well as off-pitch training opportunities.
Regular Training - Westwood Astro Pitches
- MONDAY TRAINING: 7:15-9:00pm
- THURSDAY TRAINING: 5:45-7:30pm
Performance Sport
UWWHC are proud to call ourselves a performance club, which means that on top of regular trainings and matches, we also have access to specialised S&C coaches, injury prevention sessions and physios where required.
The Socials
UWWHC socials are the stuff of legend. Wednesday nights at Warwick are known as the sports night, with regular 'circling' taking place in the SU run by our social secs. The other sports clubs on campus also partake in this, before attending the club night called Pop! Circling includes lots of games and songs, and will often have themes decided by our Madame Chairs. As a club we also have social shirts which everyone wears on some weeks; definitely makes identifying fellow UWWHC members easier on the dance floor in the Copper Rooms! The best way to understand circling is to come and experience it - you get to meet new people from other sports clubs, and definitely have fun.
Alongside our weekly sports night, as a club we enjoy off-campus socials with local night clubs in Leamington Spa and Coventry, and socials with other sports clubs such as Men's Hockey, Cricket, Rugby, Women's Netball, Cricket and Devils! Additionally, we have frequent non-alcoholic socials for our members including movie nights, bowling and many others. On top of all this, we also have some more formal social events throughout the year, including Hockey Christmas Dinner and Hockey Ball which are both joint with Men's Hockey, as well as Sports Ball in June. These are a great opportunity to dress up fancy and have fun outside of the normal socials!
We also run 2 tours during the year; a domestic tour within the UK joint with Men's Hockey at the end of Term 1 and a foreign tour in Europe at the end of Term 3l!! These are super popular and places sell out within minutes!
UWWHC has 3 weeks of preseason before the start of the year, to get us back into shape after the summer before the season begins! Preseason involves lots of on-pitch training, gym and recovery sessions, plenty of fun socials in the evenings and is a highlight of the year for many members!
This year we are inviting freshers to come along and join us for preseason. Free accommodation in Leamington Spa will be provided and it's a great way to get integrated into the club before your time at Warwick even begins!
Preseason is open to all abilities, so if you fancy getting involved or want to know more, please email (Vice President).
Contacting us
Check out our website at for all the information you need to know about this amazing club. Make sure to follow our Instagram page (@warwickwomenshockey) and like our Facebook page (Warwick Women's Hockey) to hear about all club updates including news about trials, tasters and preseason!
Alternatively email (President) for any general enquiries!