Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
Save BIG at Domino’s this January!

Academic Council

Faculty and Departmental Reps

Below are your Faculty Reps who have been elected to represent you! 







What are Faculty Execs?

The Academic Council has 3 subgroups, which are the Exec for each faculty. Collectively, they support the work of your Course Reps and Student Officers to ensure your academic interests are heard.

They focus on the academic experience of those in their faculty and report their activities to Academic Council. These activities include providing strategic direction for Course Reps and SSLCs within their faculty, leading on student voice mechanisms like Faculty Forums, and consulting on proposed motions and changes to the academic experience.

You can read about each of the Faculty Execs below.

The Faculty of Art Exec represents the academic interests of all students in their faculty, from Classics and Ancient History to Modern Languages and Cultures. They do this by supporting your Course Reps, collecting your views at Faculty Forums and representing your voice at faculty meetings.

This Faculty Exec has 5 members, who are:

  • Faculty Representative (Undergradaute reserved place)

  • Faculty Representative (Postgraduate Taught reserved place)

  • Faculty Representative (Postgraduate Research reserved place)

  • Faculty Representative (2 x open places)

These roles are typically elected in Term 1 (Autumn Term) each academic year. The chair of the exec, decided by the other members of the exec, also co-chairs Academic Council and is a rolling member of Student Council.

The Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine Exec represents the academic interests of all students in their faculty from Mechanical Engineering to Medicine. They do this by supporting your Course Reps, collecting your views at Faculty Forums and representing your voice at faculty meetings.

This Faculty Exec has six members who are:

  • Faculty Representative (Undergradaute reserved place)

  • Faculty Representative (Postgraduate reserved place)

  • Faculty Representative (Postgraduate Taught reserved place)

  • Faculty Representative (Postgraduate Research reserved place)

  • Faculty Representative (Two Open places)

These roles are typically elected in term 1 (Autumn Term) each academic year. The chair of the exec, decided by the members of the exec, also co-chairs Academic Council and is a rolling member of Student Council.

The Faculty of Social Science Exec represents the academic interests of all students in their faculty from Economics to Sociology. They do this by supporting your Course Reps, collecting your views at Faculty Forums and representing your voice at faculty meetings.

This Faculty Exec has five members who are:

  • Faculty Representative (Undergradaute reserved place)

  • Faculty Representative (Postgraduate Taught reserved place)

  • Faculty Representative (Postgraduate Research reserved place)

  • Faculty Representative (Two Open places)

These roles are typically elected in term 1 (Autumn Term) each academic year. The chair of the exec, decided by the members of the exec, also co-chairs Academic Council and is a rolling member of Student Council.