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External Examiner Reports

It is an expectation of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (the QAA) that “Higher education providers make external examiners' annual reports available in full to students, with the sole exception of any confidential report made directly, and  separately, to the head of the degree-awarding body”. (See Quality Code Chapter B7 “External Examining” , indicator 14, page 22).  It is University policy that the SSLC have the opportunity to review the most recent External Examiner Report available for the relevant course(s) concerned, alongside the department’s response to these in each case.

The external examiner reports provide informative comment and recommendations on the following:

whether or not…

  • the threshold academic standards set for the award(s) are in accordance with the frameworks for higher education qualifications and applicable Subject Benchmark Statements;
  • the assessment process measures student achievement rigorously and fairly against the intended outcomes of the programmes(s) and is conducted in line with the degree awarding body’s policies and regulations
  • the academic standards and the achievements of students are comparable with those in other UK degree-awarding bodies of which the external examiners have experience
  • Issues raised in the previous report(s) have been, or are being, addressed

as well as

  • Good practice and innovation relating to learning, teaching and assessment
  • Opportunities to enhance the quality of the learning opportunities provided to students
  • Professional body issues (as and where relevant)

It is also important to be aware that “Although reports are made available (to students), they relate to quality management within the degree-awarding body and are seen in this context rather than as information provided explicitly for students.” (see Quality Code Chapter B7 “External Examining”, p.22)