Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
Save BIG at Domino’s this January!

Where to go if the SSLC Cannot Deal with a Problem

If you feel that an issue discussed by the SSLC is not being dealt with appropriately or quickly enough by the department, or if the departmental staff meeting indicates that a concern raised by the SSLC is a central University issue, contact the appropriate Faculty Representative.

Or alternatively, contact the Students’ Union Education Officer via  or Postgraduate Officer via

Remember: personal grievances or complaints that involve specific named members of staff or students should not be discussed at SSLC meetings. If you have a concern that cannot be discussed by the SSLC, contact one of the following, who should be able to help.

See also: University of Warwick Student Feedback and Complaints pages.

Personal Tutors

A student’s personal tutor should often be considered as the first port of call, particularly if the problem is of a personal rather than an academic nature. If the problem is with the personal tutor him/herself then either the Head of the Department or the Senior Tutor for the department can be approached.

Departmental Senior Tutors

Each department has their own Senior Tutor or a member of staff who is responsible for the personal tutor system within their department. These are suitable people to approach if students experience problems with their personal tutor or feel unable to talk to him/her about a problem, particularly one of a personal nature.

Directors of Studies

Where a department has a Director of Undergraduate or Graduate Studies, students should consider approaching him/her, especially where the problem is of a more academic nature (such as an individual’s teaching style or materials).

Heads of Departments

The Head is the person to approach with problems such as relations with personal tutors or academic problems which cannot be channelled through the Director of Studies.

University Senior Tutor

The Senior Tutor’s Office can provide guidance and support on a range of issues and may be able to intervene and negotiate with a department where appropriate. See for more info.

Students’ Union Advice and Welfare Services

Advice and Welfare Services provides free, confidential, non-judgemental and impartial advice on a range of issues. Contact them at