Save BIG at Domino’s this January!

SSLC Timeline

Autumn Term

Week 1 - Lecture tours, notifying first year students of SSLC Elections

Week 2 - SSLC Elections (Arranged by departments with assistance from the Students’ Union for first year undergraduates. Academic Convenors arrange elections for all other undergraduates and all postgraduates)

Week 3 - Last elections for all SSLC representatives

Week 4 and 5 - SSLC representative training (details of times and availability of training will be emailed by the Academic Representation Co-ordinator after Students have been elected)

Week 5 - SSLC meetings begin

Week 6 - Every SSLC should have met once by the end of this week

Week 8 - Education Officer, Postgraduate Officer and SSLC Coordinators’ report on University-wide Undergraduate and Postgraduate issues and good practice submitted to the Boards of Graduate Studies (BGS) and Undergraduate Studies (BUGS) of the University

End of Term - SSLC Coordinators meet to discuss minutes from meetings Spring Term

End of Term - SSLC Coordinators meet to discuss minutes from meetings

Summer Term

30th May 2016 - Undergraduate Annual Report deadline

End of term - SSLC Coordinators meet to discuss minutes from meetings and undergraduate SSLC Annual Reports for 2015/2016 academic year

Summer Vacation

4th July - Postgraduate Annual Report deadline. SSLC Coordinators meet to discuss postgraduate SSLC Annual Reports for 2015-16 academic year.

September - Departments nominate Academic Convenors for the next academic year, if not already done