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Representation Awards

Representation Awards 2019

The Representation Awards recognise and celebrate the amazing achievements in, and contributions to, academic representation and democracy at Warwick Students' Union. Your Students' Union is democratic and student-led, so these awards are perfect to showcase the value and impact your involvement has to the Warwick Community.

These awards are held annually and has a wide range of categories to highlight the variety of ways that you have to empower the student voice at Warwick. So if you know a course rep, exec member or student that has made an impact through academic representation or democracy then nominate them today using the form below.

Award Categories

Jacquie Page Award for Outstanding Contribution to Democracy

Jacquie Page was a much loved and highly respected member of staff who supported and inspired a vast number of students in their leadership and personal development, and in their understating of democracy in the Students’ Union and beyond. Her twenty one years at the helm of SU Democracy was an amazing achievement and we miss her greatly. This award is dedicated to her memory and to her legacy.

This award is open to any student who has made an outstanding contribution to democracy, someone who has engaged with democratic processes to enact positive change.

Award for Outstanding Leadership

This award is open to any student who has made an outstanding contribution to leadership. From success with a campaign, society, club or Exec to leadership in representation within a SSLC, Exec or voluntary group. It could be an official or unofficial leadership role as long as it is outstanding.

Part-Time Officer of the Year

A Part-Time Officer who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to the role and achieved real impact for students whilst in office.

This award is open to all Part-Time Officers (Disabled Students’, Environment and Ethics, Ethnic Minorities’, International Students’ (Non-EU & EU), LGBTUA+, Part-Time and Mature Students’, Trans Students’, Women’s, and the Chair & Deputy Chair of Council).

Faculty Rep of the Year

This Faculty Representative has excelled in representing their cohort and demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the role. They have formed partnerships across the university community to achieve positive change and have made a difference to the lives of students and staff.

This award is open to all Faculty Representatives (Foundation, Undergraduate, Postgraduate Taught and Postgraduate Research).

Outstanding Course Rep

Truly committed to their role and the fair representation of their cohort’s academic interests at the SSLC, this course rep is exceptional.

They actively seek course-related feedback from their fellow students, consistently attend SSLC meetings and constructively deliver this feedback to the SSLC, collaborating with other course reps and members of academic staff to strive for productive, realistic solutions. They are an effective, coherent communicator, a strong negotiator and are motivated to have a positive impact on academic life at Warwick.

SSLC Chair of the Year

The SSLC Chair of the Year ensures their meetings run smoothly and to time, regulating the conduct of the meeting to amplify the student voice. They manage a balanced discussion, address all agenda items and lead the committee towards decisions. They collaborate with and support the Secretary and course reps on the SSLC to achieve this, whilst actively engaging with the SU.

This award is open to all SSLC Chairs (students).

SSLC Secretary of the Year

A beacon of organisation, this Secretary’s work has been key to facilitating their SSLC’s student voice. They have arranged meetings, consistently circulated agendas and minutes in a timely manner, kept their SU portal up-to-date, and ensured the smooth-running of the SSLC.

This award is open to all SSLC Secretaries (students).

SSLC of the Year

The SSLC of the year has engaged with the SU and their cohort, and made a positive impact on the student experience, or created positive change within the Union or their department.

This award is open to all SSLCs.

Academic Convenor Award

This outstanding Academic Convenor has gone above and beyond in their role. They have helped to organise elections, supported the smooth running of their Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC), and championed the student voice in their department.

This award is open to all Academic Convenors.

Exec of the Year

The Exec of the year has consistently engaged with the wider student population. They have made a positive impact on the student experience, enhanced the reputation of the Students’ Union or created positive change within the Union or local community. This could be through lobbying, campaigning, writing policy or through other creative means! The Exec have successfully collaborated to achieve positive changes.

This award is open to all SU Execs (Democracy, Development, Education, Liberation and Diversity, Postgraduate, Societies, Sports, Welfare).

Outstanding contribution to your Exec

This award recognises the Exec member who has shown outstanding commitment to their Exec, and has contributed to its successes. They have supported other Exec members in their activities and helped achieve a positive impact for students.

This award is open to all SU Execs (Democracy, Development, Education, Liberation and Diversity, Postgraduate, Societies, Sports, Welfare).

Campaign of the Year

This award is for any student or group of students whose project or campaign has made a positive impact to Warwick students, the SU, and/or the wider community and society. This campaign should have a demonstrable impact, and show creativity in achieving student-led change.

Liberated Education Award

This award recognises the person or project that has had a major impact towards liberating education and curricula to the benefit of Warwick students and society.

This award is open to all students.
