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Election Posts

Autumn Elections 2017

The polls have closed.

Democracy Committee Member (6 places)

NOTE: Any student is eligible for this position.

The Democracy Committee (formerly known as Democracy Exec) plays a crucial role in ensuring the SU is fulfilling its democratic duties. The Committee is autonomous but will receive SU staff to support administrative tasks. As well as their own manifesto promises, the Committee have some core responsibilities to fulfill. 

  • Oversee all policy, motions and actions within the Union Democracy Zone
  • Steer all motions put to Student Council/ All Student Votes (ASVs) to the relevant Committees for comments and amendments
  • Assist motion writers in ensuring their motions are of good quality
  • Help organise, plan and publicise Student Councils and All Student Votes
  • Help impartially plan, organise and publicise Elections
  • Help shape the rules and regulations of Democracy
  • Formulate and carry out ideas and campaigns as a group, including campaigns to boost democratic engagement across campus
  • Assist the Democracy and Development Officer in achieving their manifesto pledges, and their mandates from the Union Democracy Policy Zone
  • Elect a Chair to represent the Committee at Student Council

Union Meetings:

  • Democracy Committee, meeting approximately once a fortnight
  • Student Council (if elected as Chair), meeting twice per term
  • All Student Meetings, meeting once per term (3 meetings in total)

PLEASE NOTE: You can only nominate yourself for one of the SU Committee & Part-Time Officer positions.

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Development Committee Member (6 places)

NOTE: any student is eligible to nominate, hold and vote for this position.

The Development Committee (formely Development Exec) is crucial in aiding student projects are up to scratch by allocating funding, and ensure the SU offers the best services possible. TThe Committee is autonomous but will receive SU staff to support administrative tasks.. As well as their own manifesto promises, the Committee have some core responsibilities to fulfill. 

  • Oversee all policy, motions and actions within the Union Development and Environment Zone
  • Allocate SU projects and campaigns funds, and any other agreed funds, according to regulations
  • Assist funding bid writers to ensure their funding bids are correct
  • Help publicise the funds the SU has to allocate and inform members what has been allocated to ensure transparency
  • Support and advise students on external sources of funding
  • Promote Union Events, Outlets and Funds
  • Help shape new and existing Union Events and Commercial Activities
  • Formulate and carry out ideas and campaigns as a group relating to SU Development
  • Assist the Democracy and Development Officer in achieving their manifesto pledges, and their mandates from the Union Development and Environment Policy Zone
  • Elect a Chair to represent the Committee at Student Council

Union Meetings:

  • Development Committee, meeting no more than once a fortnight term time
  • Student Council (if elected as Chair), meeting twice per term


PLEASE NOTE: You can only nominate yourself for one of the SU Committee & Part-Time Officer positions.

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Education Committee Member (4 places)

With over 700 Course Reps across all departments and 9 Faculty Reps, whether you’re an Undergrad or Postgrad, improving your Education is at the core of what the SU is here for. The Education Exec is your opportunity to work alongside Faculty Reps and staff not only in reviewing issues raised from Faculty Boards and SSLC’s, but to organise and campaign on the issues that affect every single student.

The Education Exec is your opportunity to work alongside the Education Officer, Faculty Reps, and University and Union staff not only in reviewing issues raised from Faculty Boards and SSLC’s, but to organise and campaign on the academic issues that affect every single student. The Education Exec oversee all policy, motions and actions within the Union Education Zone and help the Education Officer carry out policy resolves. This is an opportunity to represent students in one of the most important aspects of the student experience.

Click here for the full post description.

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Faculty of Arts Representative (Postgraduate Research)

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees) and other relevant committees such as the Board of Graduate Studies.

Faculty Representatives fulfil their role alongside their studies. They are unpaid Representatives who represent the students within their Faculty for the following academic year. Any student within the relevant faculty can nominate themselves for the relevant position.

You will represent the interests of students in your Faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective, attending SSLC’s, University Committees, University Boards, and relevant SU Exec meetings. You will keep abreast of changes within your faculty and support course reps and SU priority campaigns.

This role will equip you with representation skills, communication skills, time management skills and team work.

Undergraduate Faculty Reps and Postgraduate Research Faculty Reps will be elected in the Spring Term. Other Faculty Rep positions will be elected in Autumn Term.

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Faculty of Arts Representative (Postgraduate Taught)

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees) and other relevant committees such as the Board of Graduate Studies.

Faculty Reps represent the interests of students in their faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective on Student-Staff Liaison Committees, University Committees and Boards. Among other responsibilities Faculty Reps should keep abreast of changes within their faculty, support SSLCs and course representatives, support SU priority campaigns, and maintain a dialogue both with the SU and faculty student body.

Click here for the full description.

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Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine Representative (Postgraduate Research, Medicine)

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees) and other relevant committees such as the Board of Graduate Studies.

Faculty Representatives fulfil their role alongside their studies. They are unpaid Representatives who represent the students within their Faculty for the following academic year. Any student within the relevant faculty can nominate themselves for the relevant position.

You will represent the interests of students in your Faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective, attending SSLC’s, University Committees, University Boards, and relevant SU Exec meetings. You will keep abreast of changes within your faculty and support course reps and SU priority campaigns.

This role will equip you with representation skills, communication skills, time management skills and team work.

Undergraduate Faculty Reps and Postgraduate Research Faculty Reps will be elected in the Spring Term. Other Faculty Rep positions will be elected in Autumn Term.

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Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine Representative (Postgraduate Research, Science and Engineering)

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees) and other relevant committees such as the Board of Graduate Studies.

Faculty Representatives fulfil their role alongside their studies. They are unpaid Representatives who represent the students within their Faculty for the following academic year. Any student within the relevant faculty can nominate themselves for the relevant position.

You will represent the interests of students in your Faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective, attending SSLC’s, University Committees, University Boards, and relevant SU Exec meetings. You will keep abreast of changes within your faculty and support course reps and SU priority campaigns.

This role will equip you with representation skills, communication skills, time management skills and team work.

Undergraduate Faculty Reps and Postgraduate Research Faculty Reps will be elected in the Spring Term. Other Faculty Rep positions will be elected in Autumn Term.

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Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine Representative (Postgraduate Taught, Medicine) (2 places)

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees) and other relevant committees such as the Board of Graduate Studies.

Faculty Reps represent the interests of students in their faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective on Student-Staff Liaison Committees, University Committees and Boards. Among other responsibilities Faculty Reps should keep abreast of changes within their faculty, support SSLCs and course representatives, support SU priority campaigns, and maintain a dialogue both with the SU and faculty student body.

Click here for the full description

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Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine Representative (Postgraduate Taught, Science and Engineering)

Faculty Reps represent the interests of students in their faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective on Student-Staff Liaison Committees, University Committees and Boards. Among other responsibilities Faculty Reps should keep abreast of changes within their faculty, support SSLCs and course representatives, support SU priority campaigns, and maintain a dialogue both with the SU and faculty student body.

Click here for the full description

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Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine Representative (Undergraduate, Formal Sciences)

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees) and other relevant committees.

Faculty Representatives fulfil their role alongside their studies. They are unpaid Representatives who represent the students within their Faculty for the following academic year. Any student within the relevant faculty can nominate themselves for the relevant position.

You will represent the interests of students in your Faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective, attending SSLC’s, University Committees, University Boards, and relevant SU Exec meetings. You will keep abreast of changes within your faculty and support course reps and SU priority campaigns.

This role will equip you with representation skills, communication skills, time management skills and team work.

Undergraduate Faculty Reps and Postgraduate Research Faculty Reps will be elected in the Spring Term. Other Faculty Rep positions will be elected in Autumn Term.

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Faculty of Social Science Representative (Posgraduate Taught, non-WBS)

Faculty Reps represent the interests of students in their faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective on Student-Staff Liaison Committees, University Committees and Boards. Among other responsibilities Faculty Reps should keep abreast of changes within their faculty, support SSLCs and course representatives, support SU priority campaigns, and maintain a dialogue both with the SU and faculty student body.

Click here for the full description

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Faculty of Social Science Representative (Postgraduate Research)

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees) and other relevant committees such as the Board of Graduate Studies.

Faculty Representatives fulfil their role alongside their studies. They are unpaid Representatives who represent the students within their Faculty for the following academic year. Any student within the relevant faculty can nominate themselves for the relevant position.

You will represent the interests of students in your Faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective, attending SSLC’s, University Committees, University Boards, and relevant SU Exec meetings. You will keep abreast of changes within your faculty and support course reps and SU priority campaigns.

This role will equip you with representation skills, communication skills, time management skills and team work.

Undergraduate Faculty Reps and Postgraduate Research Faculty Reps will be elected in the Spring Term. Other Faculty Rep positions will be elected in Autumn Term.

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Faculty of Social Science Representative (Postgraduate Taught, WBS)

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees) and other relevant committees.

Faculty Reps represent the interests of students in their faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective on Student-Staff Liaison Committees, University Committees and Boards. Among other responsibilities Faculty Reps should keep abreast of changes within their faculty, support SSLCs and course representatives, support SU priority campaigns, and maintain a dialogue both with the SU and faculty student body.

Click here for the full description.

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Foundation Programme Representative

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees) and other relevant committees.

Faculty Reps represent the interests of students in their faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective on Student-Staff Liaison Committees, University Committees and Boards. Among other responsibilities Faculty Reps should keep abreast of changes within their faculty, support SSLCs and course representatives, support SU priority campaigns, and maintain a dialogue both with the SU and faculty student body.

Click here for the full description.

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International Students' Officer (EU)

NOTE: In order to nominate yourself, hold the position, and vote for the International Students' Officer (EU) you will need to be categorised as paying Overseas Fees (EU).

  • The International Students’ Officer (EU) is an unpaid Part-Time Officer position undertaken alongside studies and representing International Students. This Officer represents the international community at a campus, local and national level, raising awareness of issues affecting international students in all areas and ensuring their views and opinions are reflected in all areas of Union and University activity, often lobbying the University and local community to make change.
  • The International Students’ Officer may plan awareness events and run campaigns, liaising with SU staff about relevant issues, and will receive staff and Sabb Officer support throughout their time as an officer. The International Students’ Officer (EU) will also work closely with other Liberation and Diversity Part-Time Officers through lobbying and campaigning on Diversity issues and through their work on the Liberation and Diversity Committee, which the International Students’ Officer (EU) is a member of.
  • The International Students’ Officer (EU) is also a full voting member of Student Council. 


PLEASE NOTE: You can only nominate yourself for one of the SU Committee & Part-Time Officer positions.

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International Students' Officer (Non-EU)

NOTE: In order to nominate yourself, hold the position, or vote for the International Students' Officer (non-EU) you will need to be classified as paying Overseas fees (non-EU).

  • The International Students’ Officer (non-EU) is an unpaid Part-Time Officer position undertaken alongside studies and representing International Students. This Officer represents the international community at a campus, local and national level, raising awareness of issues affecting international students in all areas and ensuring their views and opinions are reflected in all areas of Union and University activity, often lobbying the University and local community to make change.
  • The International Students’ Officer may plan awareness events and run campaigns, liaising with SU staff about relevant issues, and will receive staff and Sabb Officer support throughout their time as an officer. The International Students’ Officer (non-EU) will also work closely with other Liberation and Diversity Part-Time Officers through lobbying and campaigning on Diversity issues and through their work on the Liberation and Diversity Committee, which the International Students’ Officer (non-EU) is a member of.
  • The International Students’ Officer (non-EU) is also a full voting member of Student Council. 
  • PLEASE NOTE: You can only nominate yourself for one of the SU Committee & Part-Time Officer positions.
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Mental Health Awareness Campaigns Reps (2 places)

NOTE: Any student is eligible to nominate, hold and vote for this position

Mental Health Awareness Campaigns Representatives work alongside the Welfare Committee to develop campaigns relating to mental health. If you’re passionate about raising awareness of mental health issues, this is your chance to help run effective campaigns that actively help and educate students. In previous years we have had MHAC Reps running a Mental Health Panel, inviting students to speak about their own experiences, and contributing heavily to the running of Mental Health Awareness Week. You can also work alongside the Welfare Officer to promote lesser known and more stigmatised mental health issues.


PLEASE NOTE: You can only nominate yourself for one of the SU Committee & Part-Time Officer positions.

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NUS National Conference Delegates (6 places)

Warwick Students' Union is affiliated to the National Union of Students (NUS) which provide the Union and its members with different benefits. Every year the NUS holds its National Conference which is its main democratic event and delegates from every affiliated Union attend.

NUS National Conference is where Union Delegates discuss, debate and decide on NUS policy as well as electing NUS Officers and other student leadership roles. It is a great opportunity to network with students from across the UK, engage in debate on national issues that impact all students and represent the collective voice of Warwick Students.

This years National Conference will be taking place from 17th to the 18th of April 2024 in Blackpool. The Union will organise your travel, accommodation and allowance for food so all you need to do is be available on these dates. You will also be provided with training and support from the SU

Please Note: that half of Warwick SU's delegation must be self-defined Women so you will be asked how you define during the election period. This is set by NUS and is not something that we can change. 



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Part-Time and Mature Students' Officer

NOTE: In order to nominate yourself, hold the position or vote for the Part-Time & Mature Students' Officer you will need to either self-define as a mature student or have a part-time mode of study

  • The Part-Time & Mature Students’ Officer position is a Part-Time Officer position representing students who are Part-Time, and students who define as a mature student. The Part-Time & Mature Students’ Officer will maintain communication with staff, departments, SSLC’s and the Students’ Union to raise awareness of the issues affecting Part-Time students and Mature students in all areas, often lobbying the University to make change.
  • The Part-Time & Mature Students’ Officer may plan awareness events and run campaigns, liaising with SU staff about relevant issues, and receive staff and Sabb Officer support throughout their time as an officer. The Part-Time & Mature Students’ Officer will also work closely with other Liberation and Diversity Part-Time Officers through lobbying and campaigning on Diversity issues and through their work on the Liberation and Diversity Committee, which the Part-Time & Mature Students Officer is a member of.
  • This officer is also a full voting member of Student Council. 


PLEASE NOTE: You can only nominate yourself for one of the SU Committee & Part-Time Officer positions.

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Postgraduate Committee Member (Research) (2 places)

The Postgrad community makes up nearly a half of all Warwick students yet goes under-represented and under-provided for. The Postgrad Exec aims to change this. With 2 directly elected Postgrad Taught and 2 Postgrad Research Exec members alongside, Medical and Postgrad Faculty Reps, the Exec will organise SU Postgrad events and act on issues arising from SSLC’s and Faculty Boards. As well as raising awareness of the services available to Postgrads, the Exec will also review the Graduate’s program

Postgraduates make up almost 50% of the student population at Warwick, and the Postgraduate Exec works to represent Postgraduate students at Warwick SU. With directly elected Postgraduate Taught and Postgraduate Research Exec members, alongside Postgraduate Taught and Research Faculty Reps, this Exec will organise events focusing on Postgraduates and act on issues arising from SSLCs and Faculty Boards. As well as raising awareness of the services available to Postgraduates, the Exec will also campaign on Postgraduate concerns. The Postgraduate Exec oversees all policy, motions and actions within the Union Postgraduate zone and assists the Postgraduate Officer, as well as fulfilling their own individual manifesto pledges and undertaking research to enhance the experience of Postgraduate students. If you’re keen to run campaigns and events, representing your Postgraduate peers, this is the exec for you.

Click here for the full post description.

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Postgraduate Committee Member (Taught) (2 places)

Postgraduates make up almost 50% of the student population at Warwick, and the Postgraduate Exec works to represent Postgraduate students at Warwick SU. With directly elected Postgraduate Taught and Postgraduate Research Exec members, alongside Postgraduate Taught and Research Faculty Reps, this Exec will organise events focusing on Postgraduates and act on issues arising from SSLCs and Faculty Boards. As well as raising awareness of the services available to Postgraduates, the Exec will also campaign on Postgraduate concerns. The Postgraduate Exec oversees all policy, motions and actions within the Union Postgraduate zone and assists the Postgraduate Officer, as well as fulfilling their own individual manifesto pledges and undertaking research to enhance the experience of Postgraduate students. If you’re keen to run campaigns and events, representing your Postgraduate peers, this is the exec for you.

Click here for the full description.

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Societies Committee Member (8 places)

NOTE: any student is eligible to nominate, hold and vote for this position.

The Societies Committee (formely known as Societies Exec) ensures the needs of societies are being met and they are being supported throughout the year. The Committee is autonomous but will receive SU staff to support administrative tasks.. As well as their own manifesto promises, the Exec have some core responsibilities to fulfil. 

  • Oversee all policy, motions and actions within the Union Student Activities Zone
  • Review motions steered to the Committee by the Democracy Committee
  • Aid the development of existing societies
  • Highlight new and exciting opportunities for students to engage in society activity both on and off campus
  • Make decisions regarding society applications
  • Make decisions regarding allocating emergency funding to societies
  • Make decisions on society names and constitutional changes
  • Help organise, promote and carry out Society Awards
  • Review Societies Federation procedures
  • Formulate and carry out ideas and campaigns as a group relating to Student Activities
  • Assist the Societies Officer in achieving their manifesto pledges, and their mandates from the Union Student Activities Policy Zone
  • Elect a Chair to represent the Committee at Student Council

Union Meetings:

  • Societies Committee, meeting at least 4 times per term
  • Student Council (if elected as chair), meeting twice per term 


PLEASE NOTE: You can only nominate yourself for one of the SU Committee & Part-Time Officer positions.

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Sports Committee Member (8 places)

NOTE: any student is eligible to nominate, hold and vote for this position,

The Sports Committee (formely Sports Exec) ensures the needs of sports clubs are being met and they are being supported throughout the year. The Committee is autonomous but will receive SU staff to support administrative tasks. As well as their own manifesto promises, the Exec have some core responsibilities to fulfil.

Oversee all policy, motions and actions within the Union Student Activities Zone

  • Review motions steered to the Committee by the Democracy Committee
  • Aid the development of existing clubs
  • Highlight new and exciting opportunities for students to engage in sport both on and off campus
  • Make decisions on Sports Club applications
  • Help organise and promote awards for sports clubs
  • Formulate and carry out ideas and campaigns as a group relating to Student Activities
  • Assist the Sports Officer in achieving their manifesto pledges, and their mandates from the Union Student Activities Policy Zone
  • Elect a Chair to represent the Committee at Student Council

Union Meetings:

  • Sports Committee, meeting at least 4 times per term
  • Student Council (if elected as Chair), meeting twice per term


PLEASE NOTE: You can only nominate yourself for one of the SU Committee & Part-Time Officer positions.

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Trans Students’ Officer

The Trans Students’ Officer ensures that Trans Students are effectively represented in the Warwick community, running campaigns and highlighting the issues affecting Trans Students. You will be a full voting member of the SU Liberation and Diversity Exec and Student Council as well as the Delegate to the respective NUS Campaigns Conference.

NOTE: In order to nominate yourself for, hold or vote for this post you must self-define as a Trans student on your elections profile, so please ensure that your Elections profile is up-to-date.

  • You will represent all self-defining Trans students at Warwick University.
  • You will ensure the SU is addressing the needs of Trans students and raise awareness of the issues trans students face amongst the University community, often lobbying for change.
  • You will plan awareness events, including as part of Pride Week, and campaign against oppression of LGBTUA+ students in all its forms.
  • You will sit on the SU Liberation and Diversity Committee and be a full voting member of Student Council
  • In addition to this, you will carry out your manifesto promises.


PLEASE NOTE: You can only nominate yourself for one of the SU Committee & Part-Time Officer positions.

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Welfare Committee Member (6 places)

NOTE: any student is eligible to nominate, hold and vote for this position.

The Welfare Committee (formely Welfare Exec) prioritises student welfare and drives change for students in a meaningful way. The Committee is autonomous but will receive SU staff to support administrative tasks. As well as their own manifesto promises, the Committee have some core responsibilities to fulfil. 

  • Oversee all Policy, motions and actions within the Union Welfare Zone
  • Review motions steered to the Committee by the Democracy Committee
  • Support and review student wellbeing on campus and in the community
  • Support the work of campaign leaders and evaluate the effectiveness of campaigns
  • Help organise, promote and carry out welfare campaigns
  • Assist the Welfare and Campaigns Officer in achieving their manifesto pledges, and their mandates from the Union Welfare Policy Zone.
  • Elect a Chair to represent the Committee at Student Council 

Union Meetings:

  • Welfare Committee, meeting at least 4 times per term
  • Student Council (if elected as Chair), meeting twice per term


PLEASE NOTE: You can only nominate yourself for one of the SU Committee & Part-Time Officer positions.

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Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.