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Election Posts

Spring Elections 2018

Election for 2018/19's Sabbatical Officers, Liberation Officers, Environment and Ethics Officer/s, and Faculty Representatives

The polls have closed.

Disabled Students' Officer

Ensure that students with disabilities at Warwick are represented in the SU and University Community. Liaise with SU staff to improve access and remove barriers to SU events, venues and outlets as well as organising a Disability Awareness Week. You will be a full voting member of the Liberation and Diversity Exec and Student Council, as well as the Delegate to the respective NUS Campaigns Conference.

NOTE: In order to nominate yourself for, hold or vote for this post you must self-define as a Student with a Disability on your elections profile, so please ensure that your Elections profile is up-to-date.

  • You will ensure the SU is addressing the needs of students with disabilities and raise awareness of the issues students with disabilities face amongst the University community, often lobbying the University for change.
  • You will plan disability awareness events as part of Disability Awareness week and campaign against ableism in all of its forms.
  • You will liaise with SU staff to improve access and remove barriers to events, venues and outlets.
  • You will sit on the SU Liberation and Diversity Committee and be a full voting member of Student Council
  • In addition to this, you will carry out your manifesto promises.


PLEASE NOTE: You can only nominate yourself for one of the SU Committee & Part-Time Officer positions.

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Ethnic Minorities Officer

The voice for all ethnic minority students at Warwick, raising awareness and campaigning on the issues of racial equality. You will be responsible for organising Black History Month alongside SU societies. You will be a full voting member of the Liberation and Diversity Exec and Student Council, and will be the Delegate to the respective NUS campaigns conference.

NOTE: In order to nominate yourself, hold or vote for this post you must self-define as a student from an ethnic minority on your elections profile, so please ensure that your Elections profile is up-to-date.

  • You will represent all self-defining Ethnic Minority students at Warwick University.
  • You will ensure the SU is addressing the needs of students of ethnic minorities and raise awareness of the issues students of ethnic minorities face amongst the University community, often lobbying for change.
  • You will plan awareness events, including as part of Black History Month, and campaign against racism in all of its forms.
  • You will sit on the SU Liberation and Diversity Committee and be a full voting member of Student Council
  • In addition to this, you will carry out your manifesto promises.
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Trans Students’ Officer

Ensure that Trans Students are effectively represented in the Warwick community, ensuring equal treatment of Trans Students and running campaigns highlighting the issues affecting Trans students. You will be a full voting member of the Liberation and Diversity Exec and Student Council, as well as a Delegate to the respective NUS Campaigns conference.

NOTE: In order to nominate yourself for, hold or vote for this post you must self-define as a Trans student on your elections profile, so please ensure that your Elections profile is up-to-date.

  • You will represent all self-defining Trans students at Warwick University.
  • You will ensure the SU is addressing the needs of Trans students and raise awareness of the issues trans students face amongst the University community, often lobbying for change.
  • You will plan awareness events, including as part of Pride Week, and campaign against oppression of LGBTUA+ students in all its forms.
  • You will sit on the SU Liberation and Diversity Committee and be a full voting member of Student Council
  • In addition to this, you will carry out your manifesto promises.


PLEASE NOTE: You can only nominate yourself for one of the SU Committee & Part-Time Officer positions.

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Vice President for Postgraduate Students

Postgraduates make up 40% of the student body. Make sure the Postgraduate voice is heard and ensure Postgraduate students have the best possible education experience.
  • You will lead on postgraduate academic interests, lobbying for, and providing them with, the best possible postgraduate education experience at Warwick.
  • You will manage and work with hundreds of student academic representatives, helping them champion postgraduate interests.
  • You will work closely with the VP Education to ensure a consistent approach to representation across the institution to widen access and participation for all students.
  • You will make sure that SU commercial services are accessible to the postgraduate community.
  • You will liaise and engage with postgraduate-related bodies on a local, regional and national level.
  • You will make strategic decisions concerning the long-term strategy towards postgraduate engagement with the SU.
  • You will engage with many parts of the University through sitting on the Senate, amongst others.
  • You will be a trustee of a multi-million-pound organisation.
  • In addition to this, you will carry out your own manifesto promises.
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Vice President for Societies

Support and guide 250+ societies and their society Executive members. You will help promote society events and contribute to their long-term strategies and policy decisions and ensure societies are running as effectively as possible.
  • You will be the public face and leader of student societies on campus. This will involve providing students with the best possible student experience, as well lobbying and liaising with the University and external organisations to make this happen.
  • You will manage, engage with and facilitate hundreds of societies on campus.
  • You will be responsible for helping to promote society events, facilitating society related decision making, helping to assign society budgets and set up new societies, advising on best practice, and helping co-ordinate training for executive committee members.
  • You will help organise large scale events such as the Societies Fair.
  • You will work with the VP Sport to formulate strategies surrounding student development and skills.
  • You will liaise and engage with a range of bodies on a local, regional, and national level.
  • You will be a trustee of a multi-million-pound organisation.
  • In addition to this, you will carry out your own manifesto promises.
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Vice President for Democracy and Development

Often referred to as the DDO, you will be responsible for upholding the Students' Union's Democratic processes, running the Autumn and Spring elections and All Student Meetings.
  • You will lead all SU democratic processes from organising elections and All Student Votes (ASV) to delivering on policy. This will also include leading on governance related matters.
  • You lead on all commercial areas concerning the SU. This means being the representative to the University on all their commercial operations. 
  • You will also feedback student voices into the SU’s commercial outlets to improve them for students and other consumers.
  • You will be the SU's treasurer, responsible for providing student oversight of SU finances.
  • You will sit on multiple University committees which cover a wide variety of areas including finance, commercial operations, estates, and sustainability.
  • You will be the lead officer on maximising engagement with students.
  • You will be a trustee of a multi-million-pound organisation.
  • In addition to this, you will carry out your own manifesto promises.
  • You will earn up to £27,000 annual salary


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Environment and Ethics Officer

Create greater awareness among students about relevant environmental and ethical issues, advising on these issues and campaigning to highlight them. You will be responsible for helping to organise environment and ethics events and campaigns with relevant societies and officers. You will be a full voting member of the Development Exec.
  • You will advocate for an ethical and environmentally friendly SU and University and create greater awareness among students about relevant environment and ethics issues, advising on them and campaigning on them.
  • You will bring relevant concerns before Student Council,  the Development Committee, the Environment Committee and lobby the University to implement more environmentally and ethically sound policies, encouraging the SU to do the same.
  • You will work with societies and campaign groups to facilitate campaigns about environment and ethics, and raise awareness amongst students of the University Environment and Sustainability Fund.
  • You will sit on the SU Development Committee, SU Environment Committee and be a full voting member of Student Council.
  • In addition to this, you will carry out your manifesto promises


PLEASE NOTE: You can only nominate yourself for one of the SU Committee & Part-Time Officer positions.

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Vice President for Welfare and Campaigns

Lead policy and campaigns that improve student welfare,raising awareness of and improving health & welfare services in areas such as mental health, sexual health & accommodation .
  • You will lead on policy and campaigns that help improve student welfare at Warwick.
  • You will engage with many parts of the University including, but not limited to, Nightline, Welfare services, the Chaplaincy, Community Safety and Report & Support. You will help and campaign for improvements to areas related to student welfare. This will often involve working with external organisations such as our Police and the NHS.
  • You will work closely with the SU Advice Centre.
  • You will liaise and engage with welfare-related bodies on a local, regional and national level.
  • You will be a trustee of a multi-million-pound organisation.
  • In addition to this, you will carry out your own manifesto promises.
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Vice President for Sports

Ensure that sport inspires students and staff, promoting healthy activity and the benefits sport has for physical and mental well-being. You will engage with all sports clubs on campus and ensure they are running as effectively as possible.
  • You will be the public face and leader of student sport on campus. This will involve providing students with the best possible university sporting experience, as well lobbying and liaising with the University and external organisations to make this happen.
  • You will be responsible for managing, engaging and facilitating all sport clubs on campus. As part of this you will be the main point of contact for sports clubs who you will work closely with to improve sport at Warwick.
  • You will work strategically to develop the direction of sports partnerships, working with the University’s Warwick Sport.
  • You will work with the VP Societies to formulate strategies surrounding student development and skills.
  • You will liaise and engage with sport-related bodies on a local, regional, and national level.
  • You will organise large scale events such as Varsity, the Sports Ball and the Sports Fair.
  • You will be a trustee of a multi-million-pound organisation.
  • In addition to this, you will carry out your own manifesto promises.


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Vice President for Education

Give students the best possible education experience and represent all students' academic interests, including those who are under represented such as Postgraduate students, Lifelong Learning students, Medical Students, Institute of Education students and students on a non-campus based site.
  • You will lead on all student academic interests, lobbying for, and providing them with, the best possible education experience at Warwick.
  • You will manage and work with hundreds of student academic representatives, helping them champion student interests.
  • You will liaise and engage with academic-related bodies on a local, regional and national level.
  • You will work closely with all academic areas of the University including departments, the Library, IT Services, Careers Services, and the Learning Grids.
  • You will sit on the Senate and other academic governance committees. 
  • You will be a trustee of a multi-million-pound organization.
  • In addition to this, you will carry out your own manifesto promises.
  • You will earn up to £27,000 annual salary
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The outward face of the Students' Union, representing more than 24000 students and making sure the University acts on students' interests.
  • You will be the primary spokesperson for the SU, leading and being the face of all public relations matters.
  • You will be the main representative of the SU to the University, including its executive body, as well as local, regional, national, and international bodies.
  • You will advocate and lobby on behalf of students for their interests and for positive change.
  • You will sit on key University committees such as University Council and Senate.
  • You will be a trustee of a multi-million-pound organization as well as chairing the Board of Trustees.
  • In addition to this, you will carry out your own manifesto promises
  • You will earn up to £27,000 a year
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LGBTQUA+ Officer

Represent a diverse Warwick community and run campaigns highlighting the issues affecting LBGTUA+ students. You will liaise with relevant societies to organise Warwick Pride Week and work with the SU to deliver LGBTUA+ Nights in the SU. You will be a full voting member of the Liberation and Diversity Exec and Student Council, as well as the Delegate to the respective NUS Campaigns Conference.

NOTE: In order to nominate yourself for, hold or vote for this post you must self-define as LGBTUA+ on your elections profile, so please ensure that your Elections profile is up-to-date.

  • You will represent all self-defining LGBTUA+ students at Warwick University.
  • You will ensure the SU is addressing the needs of LGBTUA+ students and raise awareness of the issues LGBTUA+ students face amongst the University community, often lobbying for change.
  • You will plan awareness events, including as part of Pride Week, and campaign against oppression of LGBTUA+ students in all its forms.
  • You will sit on the SU Liberation and Diversity Committee and be a full voting member of Student Council
  • In addition to this, you will carry out your manifesto promises.
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Women's Officer

Represent over half of the Warwick University student population, raising awareness and organising large scale campaigns against sexism and for gender equality. Work closely with other officers to organise campaigns on zero tolerance to sexual harassment and violence. You will be a full voting member of the Liberation and Diversity Exec and Student Council, as well as the Delegate to the respective NUS Campaigns conference.

NOTE: In order to nominate yourself, hold or vote for this post you must self-define as a woman on your elections profile, so please ensure that your Elections profile is up-to-date.

  • You will represent all self-defining women at Warwick University.
  • You will ensure the SU is addressing the needs of women students and raise awareness of the issues women students face amongst the University community, often lobbying for change.
  • You will plan awareness events, including as part of International Women’s Week, and campaign against sexism in all its forms.
  • You will sit on the SU Liberation and Diversity Committee and be a full voting member of Student Council
  • In addition to this, you will carry out your manifesto promises.



PLEASE NOTE: You can only nominate yourself for one of the SU Committee & Part-Time Officer positions.

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Faculty of Arts Representative (Postgraduate Research)

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees), the Postgraduate Exec and other relevant committees such as the Board of Graduate Studies.

Faculty Representatives fulfil their role alongside their studies. They are unpaid Representatives who represent the students within their Faculty for the following academic year. Any student within the relevant faculty can nominate themselves for the relevant position.

You will represent the interests of students in your Faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective, attending SSLC’s, University Committees, University Boards, and relevant SU Exec meetings. You will keep abreast of changes within your faculty and support course reps and SU priority campaigns.

This role will equip you with representation skills, communication skills, time management skills and team work.

Undergraduate Faculty Reps and Postgraduate Research Faculty Reps will be elected in the Spring Term. Other Faculty Rep positions will be elected in Autumn Term.

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Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine Representative (Postgraduate Research, Medicine)

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees), the Postgraduate Exec and other relevant committees such as the Board of Graduate Studies.

Faculty Representatives fulfil their role alongside their studies. They are unpaid Representatives who represent the students within their Faculty for the following academic year. Any student within the relevant faculty can nominate themselves for the relevant position.

You will represent the interests of students in your Faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective, attending SSLC’s, University Committees, University Boards, and relevant SU Exec meetings. You will keep abreast of changes within your faculty and support course reps and SU priority campaigns.

This role will equip you with representation skills, communication skills, time management skills and team work.

Undergraduate Faculty Reps and Postgraduate Research Faculty Reps will be elected in the Spring Term. Other Faculty Rep positions will be elected in Autumn Term.

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Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine Representative (Postgraduate Research, Science and Engineering)

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees), the Postgraduate Exec and other relevant committees such as the Board of Graduate Studies.

Faculty Representatives fulfil their role alongside their studies. They are unpaid Representatives who represent the students within their Faculty for the following academic year. Any student within the relevant faculty can nominate themselves for the relevant position.

You will represent the interests of students in your Faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective, attending SSLC’s, University Committees, University Boards, and relevant SU Exec meetings. You will keep abreast of changes within your faculty and support course reps and SU priority campaigns.

This role will equip you with representation skills, communication skills, time management skills and team work.

Undergraduate Faculty Reps and Postgraduate Research Faculty Reps will be elected in the Spring Term. Other Faculty Rep positions will be elected in Autumn Term.

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Faculty of Social Science Representative (Postgraduate Research)

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees), the Postgraduate Exec and other relevant committees such as the Board of Graduate Studies.

Faculty Representatives fulfil their role alongside their studies. They are unpaid Representatives who represent the students within their Faculty for the following academic year. Any student within the relevant faculty can nominate themselves for the relevant position.

You will represent the interests of students in your Faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective, attending SSLC’s, University Committees, University Boards, and relevant SU Exec meetings. You will keep abreast of changes within your faculty and support course reps and SU priority campaigns.

This role will equip you with representation skills, communication skills, time management skills and team work.

Undergraduate Faculty Reps and Postgraduate Research Faculty Reps will be elected in the Spring Term. Other Faculty Rep positions will be elected in Autumn Term.

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Faculty of Arts Representative (Undergraduate)

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees), the Education Exec and other relevant committees within the SU and University.

Faculty Representatives fulfil their role alongside their studies. They are unpaid Representatives who represent the students within their Faculty for the following academic year. Any student within the relevant faculty can nominate themselves for the relevant position.

You will represent the interests of students in your Faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective, attending SSLC’s, University Committees, University Boards, and relevant SU Exec meetings. You will keep abreast of changes within your faculty and support course reps and SU priority campaigns.

This role will equip you with representation skills, communication skills, time management skills and team work.

Undergraduate Faculty Reps and Postgraduate Research Faculty Reps will be elected in the Spring Term. Other Faculty Rep positions will be elected in Autumn Term.


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Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine Representative (Undergraduate, Experimental Sciences)

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees), the Education Exec and other relevant committees within the SU and University.

Faculty Representatives fulfil their role alongside their studies. They are unpaid Representatives who represent the students within their Faculty for the following academic year. Any student within the relevant faculty can nominate themselves for the relevant position.

You will represent the interests of students in your Faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective, attending SSLC’s, University Committees, University Boards, and relevant SU Exec meetings. You will keep abreast of changes within your faculty and support course reps and SU priority campaigns.

This role will equip you with representation skills, communication skills, time management skills and team work.

Undergraduate Faculty Reps and Postgraduate Research Faculty Reps will be elected in the Spring Term. Other Faculty Rep positions will be elected in Autumn Term.


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Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine Representative (Undergraduate, Formal Sciences)

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees), the Education Exec and other relevant committees within the SU and University.

Faculty Representatives fulfil their role alongside their studies. They are unpaid Representatives who represent the students within their Faculty for the following academic year. Any student within the relevant faculty can nominate themselves for the relevant position.

You will represent the interests of students in your Faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective, attending SSLC’s, University Committees, University Boards, and relevant SU Exec meetings. You will keep abreast of changes within your faculty and support course reps and SU priority campaigns.

This role will equip you with representation skills, communication skills, time management skills and team work.

Undergraduate Faculty Reps and Postgraduate Research Faculty Reps will be elected in the Spring Term. Other Faculty Rep positions will be elected in Autumn Term.

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Faculty of Social Science Representative (Undergraduate, WBS)

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees), the Education Exec and other relevant committees within the SU and University.

Faculty Representatives fulfil their role alongside their studies. They are unpaid Representatives who represent the students within their Faculty for the following academic year. Any student within the relevant faculty can nominate themselves for the relevant position.

You will represent the interests of students in your Faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective, attending SSLC’s, University Committees, University Boards, and relevant SU Exec meetings. You will keep abreast of changes within your faculty and support course reps and SU priority campaigns.

This role will equip you with representation skills, communication skills, time management skills and team work.

Undergraduate Faculty Reps and Postgraduate Research Faculty Reps will be elected in the Spring Term. Other Faculty Rep positions will be elected in Autumn Term.

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Faculty of Social Science Representative (Undergraduate, non-WBS)

Run to be your Faculty Representative and take the lead on academic issues, representing students’ interests on SSLCs (Student-Staff Liaison Committees), the Education Exec and other relevant committees within the SU and University.

Faculty Representatives fulfil their role alongside their studies. They are unpaid Representatives who represent the students within their Faculty for the following academic year. Any student within the relevant faculty can nominate themselves for the relevant position.

You will represent the interests of students in your Faculty and take the lead on academic issues from a faculty perspective, attending SSLC’s, University Committees, University Boards, and relevant SU Exec meetings. You will keep abreast of changes within your faculty and support course reps and SU priority campaigns.

This role will equip you with representation skills, communication skills, time management skills and team work.

Undergraduate Faculty Reps and Postgraduate Research Faculty Reps will be elected in the Spring Term. Other Faculty Rep positions will be elected in Autumn Term.

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Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.