Election Posts

Autumn Elections (2024)

Your Students’ Union is student-led meaning that we put you in charge of deciding, and becoming, your future student leaders. This could be leading your group, class or even the whole Union, so Make Your Mark and see who will lead the next chapter of the student experience at Warwick. This election is specifically to elect vacant Student Officer Roles and SU Forum Roles, remaining Course, Faculty and Department Roles.

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

Societies Forum - Member (Open Place) (3 places)

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Sports Forum - Member (Open Place) (2 places)

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Steering Group - Member (Open Place) (2 places)

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Part-Time Officers - Part-Time and Mature Students' Officer

NOTE: In order to nominate yourself, hold the position or vote for the Part-Time & Mature Students' Officer you will need to either self-define as a mature student or have a part-time mode of study

  • The Part-Time & Mature Students’ Officer position is a Part-Time Officer position representing students who are Part-Time, and students who define as a mature student. The Part-Time & Mature Students’ Officer will maintain communication with staff, departments, SSLC’s and the Students’ Union to raise awareness of the issues affecting Part-Time students and Mature students in all areas, often lobbying the University to make change.
  • The Part-Time & Mature Students’ Officer may plan awareness events and run campaigns, liaising with SU staff about relevant issues, and receive staff and Sabb Officer support throughout their time as an officer. The Part-Time & Mature Students’ Officer will also work closely with other Liberation and Diversity Part-Time Officers through lobbying and campaigning on Diversity issues and through their work on the Liberation and Diversity Committee, which the Part-Time & Mature Students Officer is a member of.
  • This officer is also a full voting member of Student Council. 


PLEASE NOTE: You can only nominate yourself for one of the SU Committee & Part-Time Officer positions.

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Welfare Forum - Member (Open Place) (3 places)

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Sustainability Forum - Member (Open Place) (2 places)

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Operations Forum - Member (Open Place) (2 places)

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Academic Representation - Social Sciences Faculty Rep (PGR)

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Academic Representation - SEM Faculty Rep (PGT)

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Academic Representation - Arts Faculty Rep (PGR)

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Operations Forum - Members (Fresher's Place) (2 places)

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Societies Forum - Members (Fresher's Place) (2 places)

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Steering Group - Members (Fresher's Place) (2 places)

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Welfare Forum - Members (Fresher's Place) (2 places)

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Sports Forum - Members (Fresher's Place) (2 places)

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Sustainability Forum - Members (Fresher's Place) (2 places)

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Part-Time Officers - International Students' Officer (EU)

NOTE: In order to nominate yourself, hold the position, and vote for the International Students' Officer (EU) you will need to be categorised as paying Overseas Fees (EU).

  • The International Students’ Officer (EU) is an unpaid Part-Time Officer position undertaken alongside studies and representing International Students. This Officer represents the international community at a campus, local and national level, raising awareness of issues affecting international students in all areas and ensuring their views and opinions are reflected in all areas of Union and University activity, often lobbying the University and local community to make change.
  • The International Students’ Officer may plan awareness events and run campaigns, liaising with SU staff about relevant issues, and will receive staff and Sabb Officer support throughout their time as an officer. The International Students’ Officer (EU) will also work closely with other Liberation and Diversity Part-Time Officers through lobbying and campaigning on Diversity issues and through their work on the Liberation and Diversity Committee, which the International Students’ Officer (EU) is a member of.
  • The International Students’ Officer (EU) is also a full voting member of Student Council. 


PLEASE NOTE: You can only nominate yourself for one of the SU Committee & Part-Time Officer positions.

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Part-Time Officers - International Students' Officer (Non-EU)

NOTE: In order to nominate yourself, hold the position, or vote for the International Students' Officer (non-EU) you will need to be classified as paying Overseas fees (non-EU).

  • The International Students’ Officer (non-EU) is an unpaid Part-Time Officer position undertaken alongside studies and representing International Students. This Officer represents the international community at a campus, local and national level, raising awareness of issues affecting international students in all areas and ensuring their views and opinions are reflected in all areas of Union and University activity, often lobbying the University and local community to make change.
  • The International Students’ Officer may plan awareness events and run campaigns, liaising with SU staff about relevant issues, and will receive staff and Sabb Officer support throughout their time as an officer. The International Students’ Officer (non-EU) will also work closely with other Liberation and Diversity Part-Time Officers through lobbying and campaigning on Diversity issues and through their work on the Liberation and Diversity Committee, which the International Students’ Officer (non-EU) is a member of.
  • The International Students’ Officer (non-EU) is also a full voting member of Student Council. 
  • PLEASE NOTE: You can only nominate yourself for one of the SU Committee & Part-Time Officer positions.
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Academic Representation - SEM Faculty Rep (Open)

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Societies Forum - Member (PGR)

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Societies Forum - Member (PGT)

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Sports Forum - Member (PGR)

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Sports Forum - Member (PGT)

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Steering Group - Member (PGR)

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Steering Group - Member (PGT)

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Welfare Forum - Member (PGR)

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Welfare Forum - Member (PGT)

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Sustainability Forum - Member (PGR)

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Sustainability Forum - Member (PGT)

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Operations Forum - Member (PGR)

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Operations Forum - Member (PGT)

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Academic Representation - Social Sciences Faculty Rep (PGT)

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Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.
