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Election Results

Autumn Elections (2023)

Your Students’ Union is student-led meaning that we put you in charge of deciding, and becoming, your future student leaders. This could be leading your group, class or even the whole Union, so Make Your Mark and see who will lead the next chapter of the student experience at Warwick. This election is specifically to elect vacant Student Officer Roles and SU Forum Roles, remaining Course, Faculty and Department Roles.

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

International Students' Officer (EU)

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International Students' Officer (Non-EU)

  • XIANGSONG WANG Manifesto

    Elected at stage 26 with 38 votes

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Societies Forum - Member (Open Place)

  • BEN ALTHEN Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 86.84 votes

  • Sinai Ejechi Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 86.84 votes


    Elected at stage 3 with 41.5 votes


    Elected at stage 3 with 41.5 votes


    Elected at stage 7 with 29.95 votes

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Sports Forum - Member (Open Place)

  • Imogen Harper Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 59.75 votes

  • Darcy Munro Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 59.75 votes

  • PATRICK HEDGE Manifesto

    Elected at stage 2 with 58.8 votes

  • Matthew Strickland Manifesto

    Elected at stage 2 with 58.8 votes

  • Prayag Manjunatha Manifesto

    Elected at stage 3 with 53.09 votes


    Elected at stage 4 with 35.23 votes

  • JAY BEHERA Manifesto

    Elected at stage 4 with 35.23 votes

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Steering Group - Member (Open Place)


    Elected at stage 1 with 120.33 votes

  • Monty Rumbold Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 120.34 votes

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Part-Time and Mature Students' Officer


    Elected at stage 5 with 27.5 votes

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Welfare Forum - Member (Open Place)


    Elected at stage 1 with 79.8 votes


    Elected at stage 2 with 71 votes

  • RHEA JAITHA Manifesto

    Elected at stage 2 with 75.25 votes

  • Ilinca Balasa

    Elected at stage 3 with 35 votes

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Sustainability Forum - Member (Open Place)

  • Matthew Scholand Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 72.83 votes

  • WILL STEELE Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 72.84 votes

  • MANON BLANC Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 72.84 votes


    Elected at stage 2 with 72.51 votes


    Elected at stage 4 with 59.55 votes

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Operations Forum - Member (Open Place)

  • LUCY MARSHALL Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 79.06 votes

  • Jeremy Wu Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 79.12 votes

  • NYE STEELE Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 79.2 votes

  • OWEN HARPER Manifesto

    Elected at stage 4 with 63.28 votes

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Academic Representation - SEM Faculty Rep (Open)

  • PAULO ARROYO Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 46 votes

  • KANA LE Manifesto

    Elected at stage 2 with 45.95 votes

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Faculty of Social Science Exec - Faculty Representative (Postgraduate Taught)

There were no candidates for this post.

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Academic Representation - Social Sciences Faculty Rep (PGR)

There were no candidates for this post.

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Academic Representation - SEM Faculty Rep (PGR)

There were no candidates for this post.

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Academic Representation - SEM Faculty Rep (PGT)


    Elected at stage 1 with 8 votes

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Sociology: First Year - Course Rep

There were no candidates for this post.

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Sociology: Second Year - Course Rep

There were no candidates for this post.

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Sociology: Third Year - Course Rep

  • ILINA JOSHI Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 1 vote

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Sociology and Criminology: First Year - Course Rep

There were no candidates for this post.

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Sociology and Criminology: Second Year - Course Rep

There were no candidates for this post.

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Sociology and Criminology: Third Year - Course Rep

There were no candidates for this post.

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Sociology (PGT) - Course Rep

Results have not been published yet.

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Gender and International Development - Course Rep

Results have not been published yet.

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Quantitative Social Research - Course Rep

There were no candidates for this post.

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Social and Political Thought - Course Rep

Results have not been published yet.

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Philosophy, Politics and Economics: First Year - Course Rep

  • James Cook Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 3.34 votes

  • ATHENA RONG HUI Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 3.75 votes

  • AIDAN WONG Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 4 votes

  • Jeremy Wu

    Elected at stage 2 with 3.33 votes

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Philosophy, Politics and Economics: Intercalated - Course Rep

Results have not been published yet.

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Politics, Philosophy and Law: First Year - Course Rep

  • NAMRATA KUMARI Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 0.5 votes

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Politics, Philosophy and Law: Second Year - Course Rep

There were no candidates for this post.

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Politics, Philosophy and Law: Final Year - Course Rep

  • Kaylei Vernon Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 2 votes

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Economics, Psychology and Philosophy: First year - Course Rep

There were no candidates for this post.

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Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.
