Autumn Elections Results 2022

SU Autumn Elections for 2022-23

Many thanks to all those that have voted in the Autumn Elections this year! For our roles, we had a total of 2354 individual votes with 6646 total number of votes. These have been approved by the Returning Officer. 

Any roles that are yet to be elected or have been re-opened (RON), see how to co-opt here 

The elected candidates are as follows:

SU Part-Time Officers

International Students' Officer (Non-EU): Vennela Ganapathi Subramani (38 votes)  -  Results Breakdown)

International Students' Officer (EU): Emaan Asif (3 votes) -  Results Breakdown)

Part Time and Mature Students' Officer:  Keith Roper-Hitches (19 votes) -  Results Breakdown)




Environment Committee

Committee Member:  Deema Khunda (64 votes)

Committee Member: Valentino Joebert Barbose (46 votes)

Results Breakdown

Democracy Committee

Committee Member: Will Peacock (68 votes)

Committee Member: Aisha Rouckhamieh Mckinna (68 votes)

Results Breakdown

Development Committee

Committee Member: Dixon Junior Gao-Chenug (49 votes)

Committee Member: Josh Bradbury (49 votes)

Committee Member: Josh Lucas Mitte (49 votes)

Results Breakdown

Education Committee

Committee Member: Tom Chaloner (51 votes) 

Committee Member: Chi in Lei (Lucas) (51 votes)

Committee Member: Conran Cheung (votes 47 votes)

Committee Member: Albert Wei (35 votes) 

Committee Member: Samuel Leon Goetschel (33 votes) 

Results Breakdown

Societies Committee

Committee Member: Grace Lewis (66 votes)

Committee Member: Max Adam (53 votes)

Results Breakdown

Sports Committee

Committee Member: Jonathan Botiz (85 votes)

Committee Member: Eleanor Mccutcheon (60 votes) 

Results Breakdown

Welfare Committee

Committee Member: Ella Seear (65 votes)

Committee Member: Byron Wandera (65 Votes)

Results Breakdown

Mental Health Awareness Campaigns reps (sitting on Welfare Committee) 

Ellie Baker (78 votes) 

Georgeiebella Young (55 votes) 

Results Breakdown

Postgraduate Committee

Committee Member: James Hart (8 votes) 

Committee Member: Millie Brand (7 votes)

Committee Member: Anoushka Chati (7 votes)

Committee Member: Michella Ren (6 votes)

Committee Member: Simran Jha (5 votes)

Committee Member: Athira Zuhaira Binti Ahmed Yusri (5 votes)

Results Breakdown 

NUS National Conference Delegates

Will Brewer (automatically added as SU President)

Millie Brand (29 votes)

Safiyyah Yacoobali (27 votes) 

Sophie Bourne (26 votes)

Prerona Sen (26 votes) 

Sophie Clark (27 votes) 

Tomi Amole (62 votes) 

Hamza Rehman (42 votes) 

Jacob Arnold (39 votes) 

Results breakdown here & here (for self-defining women)


Department Reps

Arts Department Rep - History: James Hart (38 votes)

Arts Department Rep - School of Modern Language and Cultures: Alicia Bushell (42 votes)

Arts Department Rep - English & Comparative Literary Studies: Kimberely Richardson (6 votes)

SEM Department Rep - Computer Science: Keegan Rimmington (68 votes)

SEM Department Rep - Life Sciences: Niyati Sanjaykumar Agrawal (42 votes)

SEM Department Rep - Physics: Max Parker (39 votes)

SEM Department Rep - WMG: Ana Vijay (184 votes)

SEM Department Rep - WMS: Harriet Sharpe (20 votes)

Social Sciences Department Rep - Economics: Olivia Jiang (110 votes)

Social Sciences Department Rep - Education: Re-open Nomination (RON) 

Social Sciences Department Rep - Law: Harry Sun (43 votes)

Social Sciences Department Rep - Philosophy: Sophia Medhurst (58 votes)

Social Sciences Department Rep - Politics and International Studies: Elena Vissani (63 votes)

Social Sciences Department Rep - Sociology: Leila John (21 votes)

Social Sciences Department Rep - Warwick Business School (WBS) - Aashina Agarwal (254 votes)

Results breakdown for each role can be found on each rep role above.

Faculty Reps

Arts Faculty (Open) - Amie Arnold (139 votes)

SEM Faculty Rep (Open) - Tauqueer Akhtar (454 votes)

SEM Faculty Rep (PGT) - Kiranjit Shergill (115 votes)

Social Sciences Faculty Rep (PGT) - Sabrina Muhamad Sabri (187 votes)

Results breakdown for each role can be found on each rep role above. 


Course Reps

To find out your newly elected course reps, please click this spreadsheet below to see the list. There may be some roles that are not yet advertised as they are currently being looked at and will be updated for Monday. Any enquiries do contact

Elected course representatives here 

If you can't see a Course Rep role, see our article link above on possible co-options to be an elected rep. 

Please note - any re-open nominations not under co-options will be decided upon by the democracy team and will be updated on our website in due course.

For the results breakdown of Course Reps, Department & Faculty Reps, please email

If you wish to submit a complaint about relating to any of these positions or candidates please email before 12pm (noon) on Friday 21st October 2022.

Contact Us

If you need to ask any questions about the elections process, you can visit us in the Democratic Services Office on the top floor of SUHQ. Alternatively, you can contact us using the details below.