Showing at Warwick Arts 11th Feb 2025
Showing at Warwick Arts 11th Feb 2025

Fund Your Idea

What Funding is available?

There are 3 pots of money you can bid from to fund your ideas and projects:

  • £4000 SU Project Fund
  • £4000 SU Campaigns Fund
  • £5000 University and SU Environmental Sustainability Fund

These pots are adminstered by the SU Forums, made up of elected students, part time officers and full time officers.

Be aware that other students will be bidding for money from the same pots, so the Forums would be unlikely to fund the entirety of the pot to your project.

Which fund applies to my project?

The SU Project Fund is available to any member/group of members of the SU, and will be awarded to projects that aim to further the SU's core aims and values. Projects should enhance the experience of Warwick students as students, on campus and in the community. Projects should be one-off endeavours or start-ups. 

The SU Campaigns Fund is available to any member/group of members of the SU. Funds will be given to campaigns that help further the SU's core aims and values. Campaigns should enhance the experience of Warwick students as students, on campus and in the community. Campaigns should be designed as initiatives to have social/community change. 

The University and SU Environment and Sustainability Fund has been provided by the Warwick Estates Office. The purpose of this fund is to provide financial support to initiatives that promote sustainability, which should fall under a priority of the University Environment Team. This is administered via the Sustainability Forum.

Want to Apply for Funding?

Please familiarise yourself with the SU Strategic Plan below

Strategy Plan Link

Select a fund below to start your application:

If your Funding bid is successful, you MUST reclaim your funding before the deadline specified by the Forum members, otherwise that money will be released back into the pot.

What happens next?

You will:

  • Receive an email confirmation that your bid has been received
  • Be invited to either the next Forum meeting (dependent on which fund you have applied for), where your application will be considered and you will have the chance to answer any questions
  • Receive an email with the respective Forum's decision, and any conditions on receiving the funding. The Forums use Regulation 5 - Funding Bid Regulations to make their decision
What makes a Good Funding Bid?

In general, here are some points to consider when writing your application


  • Be specific about the costs involved e.g. "return train travel from London to Coventry - £30"
  • Research your costs and request quotes. 
  • Clearly differentiate any costs that you are NOT requesting funding for
  • Be clear about your project/campaign aims and how they benefit students
  • Consider the timeline of your project/campaign carefully


  • Request funding for alcohol
  • Apply for funding for projects that do not impact students as students
  • Apply for funding for events or projects that are recurring events or projects
  • Inflate your costs - it doesn't make it more likely you will be funded
  • Apply at the last minute - allow at least 4 weeks in term time
  • Forget to reclaim any funds granted
What's the money reimbursement process?

If your bid is successful you can request reimbursement of agreed costs. Usually, students will purchase the items/materials etc themselves and then complete a money request form to get that money back. If this is not possible, we can work with the student on the best way of ensuring they have the money for their project/campaign.

Any money you are requesting as a result of a successful bid must be accompanied with proof of purchase/costs.

If you become aware that you will not require all of the funding allocated, please let us know so that we can make them available to other groups.


Funding Bid Deadlines

The final deadline for the Projects Fund and Campaigns Fund for 2024/25 is TBC.

Applicants will usually be invited for a 5-minute presentation to discuss their idea and to answer any questions from the panel.

Meeting Dates 

Forum meetings dates for 2024-25 TBC