Elected Leaders
Elected Leaders

This is where you can find the many ways you are represented by our elected leaders. These are all our engaged elected leaders, covering our Full-Time Officers, Part-Time Officers, SU Forum Rep Members, SU Council Members, Scrutiny Panel members, Academic Representatives (Course, Department & Faculty Reps)

You can also view what we have been working on with our relevant priorities as a team and our education priorities for the upcoming year ahead.

Our elected full-time officers are voted in every March in the Spring Officer Elections and are paid to work full-time to represent students the following academic year. Each officer represents a different area of the student body and helps improve your experience as a University of Warwick student.

Officers choose collective priorities to focus on the year ahead. We also assign academic priorities too from the Vice-President Education alongside the Vice-President for Postgraduate Students.

Full-Time Officer Priorities

For this academic year, the Full-Time Officer (FTO) team will be focusing on the below key themes, and addressing them in collaboration. If you have any issues or queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the relevant officer, or Email the Student Voice team

Cost of living
SU & University - Enaya Nihal
  • Continue the Cost-of-Living campaign with the University’s Executive Team, making our progress publicly available. Enaya Nihal & Alijah Taha
  • Prioritise the SU becoming a Real Living Wage employer, provide more paid part-time work within the SU and University. Enaya Nihal & Alijah Taha
  • Make the (Free) Breakfast Club and End Period Poverty campaigns permanent. Enaya Nihal & Naomi Carter
  • Work with other SUs and Universities to lobby nationally for affordable housing strategies, focusing on the renter’s reform bill, and for maintenance loans to rise in line with inflation. Enaya Nihal & Muneeba Amjad
SU Societies & Sport Clubs - Joe and Louis
  • Tackle the cost of sports and socialising, by for instance, cutting (and eventually eradicating) Socs and Sports Federation Fees. Also showcase more flexible payment options for those who are only here for a single term. Joe Stanley & Louis Gosling
  • Promoting more free events with Warwick Sport (Such as the Self-defence classes and Rock Up & Play sessions) Louis Gosling and Enaya Nihal
  • Extend free parking for head coaches to Westwood car park and other university sport spaces and expand the number of parking permits available to clubs and societies. Better publicise the use of other parking aids, such as ad-hoc permits for one-off events. Joe Stanley and Louis Gosling
  • Provide enhanced training, advice, and opportunities to allow Societies and Sports Clubs to do more, for example with performances, promotion and fundraising. Aim to unlock restrictions on society activities such as creating more storage space. Joe Stanley and Louis Gosling
  • Simplify and enhance communications between the Officers, the SU and student body. Further, to simplify bureaucratic processes to ensure upmost accessibility for students wanting to engage with the SU regarding societal activity and through enabling more societal activity. Joe Stanley, Enaya Nihal and Louis Gosling
University Food & Retail - Sasha and Alijah
  • Focus on the availability of affordable food, a permanent food bank and alternative food spaces on campus. Naomi Carter and Sasha King-Smith
  • Work to address the issues of unaffordable food options in SU and University outlets (including Rootes), including through exploring alternative options and adding more halal, vegan and kosher options. Alijah Taha, Naomi Carter and Enaya Nihal
  • Campaign for more resources for students on campus, including kettles, microwaves and storage spaces. This will be for both SU and University spaces. Naomi Carter and Sasha King-Smith
  • Support the creation of the permanent Swap Shop on campus for first years, exchange students and returning students to access kitchen supplies, bed linen, and other household items. This will include collaborating where possible on current University efforts, so as not to duplicate work. Naomi Carter and Sasha King-Smith
Travel - Enaya
  • Continue the Better Buses campaign, using up-to-date data to work with local district councils and bus companies. Enaya Nihal and Sasha King-Smith
  • Work with the University, local councils, other SU officers and bus companies to lower the rising costs of transport to campus, including freezing (/lowering) the cost of the NX and Stagecoach bus pass. Enaya Nihal and Sasha King-Smith
Housing - Enaya
  • Work with Accommodation to offer more affordable on-campus housing options and support students living off-campus. Enaya Nihal and Sasha King-Smith
  • Continue work being done in the Hardship funding workstream for increased financial aid and hardship funds.
University – Education – Muneeba and Alijah
  • Push to make self-certifications permanent across departments, advocate for varied assessment methods,Alijah Taha
  • Raise awareness of the differing needs of PGTs and PGRs, ensuring they are appropriately represented and catered to in university processes. Alijah Taha
  • Increase neurodiversity awareness, supporting students in their academics through inclusive events that also engage the PG community and involve tutors and research supervisors. Alijah Taha and Muneeba Amjad
  • Call for buildings to be more accessible for students with physical disabilities, including ensuring that curbs are dropped for wheelchair access around campus. Alijah Taha, Enaya Nihal and Muneeba Amjad
  • Fight for more accessible quiet study spaces and private meeting room. Alijah Taha and Muneeba Amjad
  • Ensure suitable teaching environments and conduct an accessibility audit of campus facilities, incorporating the Disability Code of Practice. Alijah Taha and Muneeba Amjad
  • Keep Wednesday afternoons free for sports and society activities, especially in Economics, WBS, and STEM departments. Muneeba Amjad and Joe Stanley
  • Advocate for the continued use of cash at SU and University outlets. Alijah Taha and Joe Stanley
Union – Democratic Structures, social spaces & culture - Sasha
  • Make our decision-making processes transparent so students know how the SU is responding to our input and asks. Enaya Nihal and Sasha King-Smith
  • Continue successful SU initiatives, such as the Sexism in Sport taskforce, to encourage greater female participation in Sport. Louis Gosling and Naomi Carter
  • Ensure that we continue to promote an inclusive and welcoming environment within all of our clubs and societies with updated training. Louis Gosling and Joe Stanley
  • Work with departments and specific societies and sports clubs to target postgraduate and international students. Continue the ongoing work to ensure that we have a thriving MedSport offer for our medical students and work with MedSoc to improve medical students engagement with the university and the SU. Alijah Taha, Joe Stanley, Enaya Nihal and Louis Gosling
  • Be more student-facing and inclusive in our democratic processes by working with students on part time degree apprenticeships, mature students, international students, etc. Enaya Nihal and Joe Stanley
Better student engagement
FTOs exposure and perceptions
  • Ensure that we continue to provide a consistently strong quality of service for our students, and that their requests are always dealt with professionally.
  • Build a deeper and longer lasting relationship with our students, student clubs, and societies.
SU visibility & communication
  • Reforming our communication structures so that they are more efficient, better targeted, and truly engaging for our students (two-way comms)
  • Making sure our services are publicised effectively to increase student awareness of them
Accessibility – bureaucracy
  • Publicise voting dates, motions, and funding deadlines at the beginning of each term. SKS EN
  • Make our decision-making processes transparent (and more efficient, like Impact Assessment) and closing the feedback loop in everything we do. SKS EN LG
  • Provide policy toolkits and easy-to-access resources on the SU webpage and have platforms for dialogue during ASVs to help students understand the motions they are voting for. AT JS SKS
  • Offer specialized advice, cultural events, and diverse club nights tailored for international students. AT EN JS
  • Improving the visibility of SSLCs, creating a central list of members, and allowing academic society presidents to have seats on SSLCs. AT MA JS
  • Improving the communications we have with faculty reps, SSLC chairs, and course reps, and the communications they have with each other. MA AT
  • Better accountability: a progress tracker has been set up by Student Voice to demonstrate the officer team’s progress termly, allowing students to see what officers are working on throughout the year. AT EN
  • Enhance postgraduate inclusion by ensuring all activities and student experiences are considerate of PG students' unique challenges, making necessary exemptions where appropriate. JS AT
Sense of Community
Focusing on: Campus Connectivity, Lack of connections w/groups across campus (PG, Medics, Westwood etc), SU Visibility, Mental health services.
  • Broaden our active offer on campus to ensure that we are engaging a far wider range of our student body, and to provide a link into the SU LG AT
  • Have multilingual advisors at Warwick Wellbeing and run cultural awareness training to better support international students. AT EN
  • Introduce workshops on tackling imposter syndrome to help students adapt to university life and manage academic burnout. AT EN
  • Continue the Safer Warwick Campaign to improve safety provisions both on and off campus. EN NC
  • Call for a campus-wide shuttle bus to be introduced to connect Gibbet Hill and Westwood campuses to central campus. AT EN
  • Campaign for and design comprehensive welfare training for SU society and sports clubs to feel comfortable handling and signposting disclosures NC JS
  • Support collaborative campaigns with societies, SU and University stakeholders that respond to student concerns and support student groups, including mental health, sexual misconduct and sustainability NC JS LG
  • Raise SU visibility and support in isolated areas of campus like Gibbet Hill, ensuring inclusivity in student community-building efforts. JS AT
  • Expand the availability and awareness of reusable period products as part of the #EndPeriodPoverty campaign. NC EN
  • Continue working with university stakeholders; staff, and student networks to expand the amount of locally grown, low-waste, affordable food on campus. NC SKS
  • Develop an SU Sustainable Sponsorship Policy, with a focus on fresher's week partnerships and merch provision. NC SKS
  • Lobby the University and work with national networks to ensure SU and University insurance policies do not uphold climate collapse or the arms trade. NC EN SKS MA
  • Continue to fight for the University to divest from unethical industries, including fossil fuels, the arms trade, and the global border industry. EN NC SKS MA


Thank you for reading our collective priorities. To conclude we will prioritise tackling the cost of living; improving accessibility; improving student engagement in both the SU and the university’s activities; improving the SU visibility and the way it communicates; aim to improve student well-being and mental health, whilst aiming for sustainability both as an organisation and environmentally. We love to work with you to achieve our goals so feel free to reach out to us with any feedback.